
Showing posts from December, 2021

Spell #105 Fiasco Flagon

       Magic User Level 5 Duration- Until fire is out Range- Line of sight and throwing range and sight of fire Fiasco Flagon- Caster throws a Molotov-style missile that applies the Dread, Peril, or Panic property (randomly chosen) to anyone within line of sight of the projectile breaking for until the fire goes out. Projectile spills a patch of fire that lasts until put out, and catches inflammable things alight. Panic- "Panic- Initiative is completely random each round- with no modifiers, and any failed rolls become some horrible mistake- as decided by the ref." Peril- " Peril- All rolls become 50/50 to succeed/fail". Dread- "Any failure prompts a HIDEOUS thing to occur, as decided by the referee."    So what is this spell good for? Utter chaos.

Spell #104 Cake Walker

     Magic user Level 5  Duration- As long as the caster sings, whistles, hums, or external music plays Range- The caster and all their actions   Cake-Walker- This spell grants every action a difficulty during its duration. Anything not challenging in any way should be given a rating of 0, whereas a very hard task should be a 10. The caster gains twenty free difficulty, to be used on any action or actions over time. Anything else is a standard skill roll as all normal skills, with a d10 instead of a d6.  So a task of challenge 6 would require a roll of 5 or less to succeed, or you could spend six difficulty of your twenty to automatically succeed.    So what is this spell good for? Completely changing the way the magic-user takes actions for its duration. Extremely impossible things are now a roll of the dice or a use of some points, but all this has to be calculated or measured and carefully considered, and all the while they must make music or ...

Spell #103 Beam

    Magic user Level 5 Duration- 1d20+3~also the initial damage dealt Range- Infinite Beam- This creates a beam of pure energy with a radius of 1/2 foot and an infinite distance traveled given sufficient space due to curvature. The beam emanates from the casters forehead. The beam deals 1d20+3 damage, and lasts the amount of rounds equal to the initial damage dealt. The beam also ends if the caster is rendered unconscious or dead.   So what is this spell good for? This is great for melting ANYTHING.

Spell #102 Allies

     Magic User Level 5 Duration- Instantaneous Range- Universal Allies- Pulls together disparate friends around the caster, IE summons your party around the caster. From wherever, whenever, dead or alive.   So what is this spell good for? Scooby-Doo style shenanigan stoppage, part of the party being lost, bringing new members all the way from town due to cosmic circumstance (Great way to bring players into the game fast), recovering corpses and wounded and at 0 people, asking someone if they want to be friends formally then teleporting them into a dungeon later, and lots of other fun uses!

Spell #101 Advise

     Magic user level 5 Duration- Instantaneous Range- Spoken word Advise- This spell may be cast as a free action. It gives a solution to a spoken problem. The solution is given by the referee to the magic-user, who may communicate it however they wish.   So what is this spell good for? Solving articulated problems.

Spell #100 What?

     Magic User Level 4  Duration- Seven turns Range- Line of sight What?- Forces target in life of sight to repeat their previous action again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Seven times total. So what is this spell good for? People taking meds, people drinking alcohol out of the whole bottle, spellcasters, perfect signmaking, and other such good/terrible repeated actions.  

Spell #99 Sudor

       Magic user level 4 Duration- ConX4 Range- Caster's Sweat Sudor- Caster sweats profusely for rounds equal to their Constitution times 4, the sweat is slippery to anyone, forcing victims of the slippage to make an attack roll against their Dexterity and Strength combined and divided by two, with success meaning they don't fall over- also the sweat is also harmful to undead, dealing 1d6 per contact.   So what is this spell good for? Creating a bottle of sweat that will instakill certain undead. Being hard to get grabbed by undead. Slippery hijinks with everything else. The sweat is purple and leaves stains behind, and this spell works best when the caster is nude.

Spell #98 Something

       Magic user level 4  Duration-Permanent Range- Casters hands   Something- Creates Something! Roll a percentile!   1 Stone Crab 2 Animal Clock 3 Sugar Throne 4 Salty Tart 5 Print Order 6 Jade Marble 7 Guard Bird 8 Kiln Skeleton 9 Bell Lantern 10 Graphite Mansion Key 11 Brass-Cycle Triangle 12 Black Candle 13 Bleeding Jam Pot 14 Concrete Knight 15 Steel Balloon 16 Charted Cylinder 17 Smoke Cage 18 Plastic Rabbit 19 Yellow Glass Dress 20 Silver Sphere 21 Hole 22 Coffee Powder 23 Reliquary Fountain 24 Various Candies 25 Gin-Cutter 26 Dreary Dolls 27 Temple Scale 28 Animate Map 29 Wire-Girl 30 Medical Trunk 31 Eye-Cup 32 Corroded Nail Blade 33 Foamy Ooze 34 Bright Shape-Maker 35 Snake Cleaner 36 Enchanting Secret 37 Bitter String 38 Butcher's Fruit 39 Passage Protector (tm) 40 God-Purl 41 Pep(per) 42 Monk Mirror 43 Wavy Tiles 44 Constant Silhouette Stiletto 45 Blue Lake Wand 46 Impractical Tools 47 Foldable Canvas Lathe 48 Cavernous Pots 49 Red and G...

Spell #97 Siege

       Magic User Level 4 Duration- Twenty Rounds Range- Caster and allied people 5 feet from them Siege- For up to twenty rounds, the caster and any allied characters within five feet of them may move instantly around the side of a structure as an action. So what is this spell good for? Sieges!

Spell #96 Redivider

       Magic user Level 4 Duration- Instantaneous Range- Casters Strength and line of sight Redivider- Palindromic way to apportion groups of fifteen or less, and the groups get split into a parabolic line. For example, a group of enemies would get divided from weakest to weakest, with the strongest in the middle. Limit is based on casters strength, with each object in the group having the requirement of being liftable by the caster.    So what is this spell good for? Good question!

Spell #95 Pluck

      Magic User Level 4  Duration- Instantaneous Range- Line of Sight   Pluck- Caster pulls an object up sharply in line of sight. This spell may be cast as a free action.   So what is this spell good for? Pulling out eyes.

Spell #94 Plight

    Magic user Level 4  Duration- Seven Rounds Range- Living things within caster's perception   Plight- All living beings within perception of the caster are put into the Plight state for seven rounds. Plight is defined as " Peril- All rolls become 50/50 to succeed/fail".   So what is this spell good for?  Dunno, beats the hell outta me. There must be a ton of uses, but I cannot figure them out.    

Spell #93 Out-Do

      Magic User Level 4 Duration- An Action Range- An Action Out-Do- Used to perform the last action taken, except it succeeds if it was failed, or is much better if the action originally succeeded. So what is this spell good for? This spell is good for succeeding when others fail, or showing off.  

Spell #92 Negate

    Magic User Level 4 Duration- Instant Range- Caster's perception   Negate- Counter target action, this spell can be cast in response to a action. The form this spell takes is unique to the action it is countering. A flame would be countered with a jet of water or a gust of wind or a stream of foam, and all actions have a counter, this spell's effect is decided upon by the referee on a case by case basis. So what is this good for? Mitigation of bad things on the fly.    

Spell #91 Needle Bugs

     Magic User Level 4 Duration- Five actions Range- Caster Needle Bugs- Allows the caster the ability to walk on water, sting with touch, or limited flight for their next five actions. The sting induces save vs poison or be paralyzed for a turn. The flight is a gliding flight of 20 feet up, then 50' of 3 feet drop per foot gone horizontally. The walk on water is as if the water is normal ground.   So what is this spell good for? Walking on water, incapacitating enemies, and gliding/flying.

Spell #90 Moving Sand

     magic User Level 4 Duration- Concentration Range- thirty foot radius around caster   Moving Sand- Moves sand in a radius of thirty foot around the caster into a pattern, IE Sinkhole, Quicksand, Dust Storm … .   So what is this spell good for?  Doing cool things in places with sand or fine particled soil.

Spell #89 Memorandum

     Magic User level 4 Duration- Permanent Range- Not Applicable Memorandum- Allows the caster to write something down on a piece of paper that gets given to the referee. On demand, the caster may look at things written in this way, as a free action. Anything stored with this spell is not recorded in the casters memory anymore. So for instance,the caster could Memorandum their name, and no-one could get that name from the caster's memory through magic. The same could be said of any kind of important information.   So what is this spell good for?  Hiding Names, intentions, pasts, memories, passwords, spells, Essense words, maps, locations, and all kinds of mental notes maps and otherwise.

Spell #88 Lullaby

     Magic User Level 4 Duration- Twenty rounds or loud sound Range- Fifty foot radius around caster Lullaby- Lulls anything below the age of the caster to sleep in a fifty-foot radius. The sleep lasts twenty rounds, or until sound louder than a cough is made in a thirty radius of a sleeper.   So what is this spell good for?  For getting kids to sleep, animals, teens, and anyone else younger than you. This makes liches VERY DANGEROUS with this spell, especially when they extend the range and duration. And move silently. It is great to knock out guards behind walls, force tigers to sleep-but still be dangerous if someone follows you, and there are tons of other great applications for this sleeping spell. One caveat- You gotta be older, and the older you get the more powerful this spell becomes.  

Spell #87 Jambow

   Magic User level 4 Duration- As many turns as invisibly nocked Range- Same as longbow in Lamentations Jambow- The caster mimes shooting an arrow out of an invisible bow, and each action they spend makes the eventual arrow ’ s size. When the invisible arrow hits, it sprays five ounces of jam  for each action of size around the impact site. Contact with this jam slows people by 25%, and the jam is magically disruptive to technology such as electricity or clockwork and machines. So what is this spell good for? Stopping a clock tower's mechanism, stopping clockwork soldiers, a mad mage's engine, steam ships, rope pulleys, lathes, guns, factory machines, and a whole slew of other tech that might need slowing or stopping. It is also good for combat, with the jam seriously slowing people. Note: If this spell is ever taken it is strongly suggested that you begin to introduce clockwork soldiers!

Spell #86 Hearts

    Magic User level 4  Duration- Five Rounds  Range- Line of Sight and Attack Range Hearts- Caster can see living creatures ’ hearts in line of sight of the caster for five rounds. This means they can actually physically see through all matter and energy and look at their hearts, and they also may know their current morale score. Additionally, the caster may attack hearts directly as if they were a separate creature. You still have to be in attack range, but the hearts individual AC is the Wisdom and morale of the heart's owner divided by two rounding down. On successful hits on a heart, the creature takes damage as minus to their morale, then check morale to not flee. If they go to zero or less morale from an attack on their heart, they die. So what is this good for? Battle mages looking to shoot arrows and force fleeing of stronger opponents, for using flame to hit many hearts, for killing armored or scared opponents, and for killing things that cannot be easily...

Spell #85 Essence

  Magic User Level 4 Duration- Until Spoken Range- 0 Essence- Distill a held object to spoken word, when the word is spoken, the object appears in the caster ’ s hands, or anywhere they choose in line of sight. This word is invented, and may be transcribed and said by anyone.   So what is this spell good for? For giving a password to the whole crew, a password that creates an item. For hiding marbles or lard in your memory, then creating a patch of it in line of sight to trip fleeing monks. If you can trick someone into saying something, and you make that something be this spell, they will be forced to put the object somewhere. This spell is great for passing on objects and over great distances, trapped in the mind of someone instead of their bag. Actively searching for lost Essence words can be a profitable experience, and a great adventure hook.

Spell #84 Ensigil

      Magic User Level 4 Duration: Permanent Range: Touch   Ensigil- A weapon touched by the caster is ensigiled with a rune. Each rune is invented by the player, and has a word associated. The user of a rune-weapon can activate a rune on the weapon, and the weapon gains some property related to the word. This is to be discussed between the dm and players, for example, fire might make the weapon flaming, but flaming almost definitely would. If a second rune is put, the order matters, and full sentences can be made. Twist the wind, slice through stone, dread follows the weak, full spectrum ray, behind the waterfall, all are great theoretical runewords. All these single runes or sentences may be activated once per day, so for example, flaming and strike the weak would both be a single activation, and both could only be activated once per day.     So what is this spell good for? For making AWESOME weapons! Weapons like- Storm-Slicer Bleeding Needles The L...

Spell #83 Black Basis

      Magic User level 4 Duration- 1 action Range- Line of sight Black Basis- Allows someone within the casters line of sight to be evil for their next action. Evil is classified as anything that the someone ’ s respective god would not approve of.   So what is this spell good for? Eating the dead, eating forbidden foods, drinking alcohol, killing people, saying illicit words, sex, legal crimes, seeing things that shouldn't be see, avoiding prayer, breaking fasts, breaking the sabbath, and a thousand other ways to annoy gods and skirt their customs.

Spell #82 Baba Yaga

     Magic User Level 4 Duration- Permanent Range- Touched Object Baba Yaga- Changes touched object smaller than a cat into obstacle, IE Thorn to Briars, Dentures to Grove of oak trees.   So what is this spell good for? I am just going to give some examples! Get Creative!   Thorn- A Briar bush! Dentures- A grove of oak trees! Rolling Pin- A giant Rolling Log! Spoon- A rake trap! Thimble- A Cage! A mortar and pestle- A crushing stone falls! Scissors- Swinging Blade! Needle and thread- Tripwire!

Spell #81 Acerbic Arrow

     Magic User level 4 Duration- As many turns as invisibly nocked Range- Same as longbow in Lamentations Acerbic Arrow- The caster mimes shooting an arrow out of an invisible bow, and each action they spend makes the eventual arrow ’ s size. When the invisible arrow hits, it sprays five ounces of Fluoroantimonic acid for each action of size around the impact site. Contact with this acid deals 1d20 damage divided by five per square inch on a person, and eats down to the bone. It reacts violently with water.   So what is this spell good for? Deforming and burning and melting flesh and corroding armor and destroying a large lock and giving dragons heartburn and a ton of other times where a great amount of super powerful acid would be applicable!

Spell #80 Wax

      Magic User level 3 Duration- Permanent Range- Held Object  Wax- Create a wax copy of held object no larger than a bowling ball. The copy appears in the caster's other hand.   So what is this spell good for? Creating wax, creating replicas to fool people, and other such obvious uses.

Spell #79 Twirling Dance

     Magic User level 3 Duration- Three Spins Range- Caster or target in line of sight Twirling Dance- Target in line of sight of the caster or the caster gains the ability to spin as a free action, and when spinning they may perform an action. This lasts until the target or caster spins three times.   So what is this spell good for? So if you cast it on a fighter, they can smash an orc, spin, and while spinning attack again.  Basically, it is double action, but you get to take the three second actions when you choose, and must spin while performing them.

Spell #78 True Strike

     Magic User Level 3 Duration- Until The Next Attack Enacted by the caster Range- The Caster's Attack True Strike- The next attack attempted by the caster with a weapon automatically strikes.   So what is this spell good for?  Combat!

Spell #77 Skulk

     Magic User Level 3 Duration- As many rounds as the caster chooses Range- Caster Skulk- The casters shadow becomes wavy, and their figure dark and hazy. They gain +2 bonuses to stealth and dexterity. Duration is chosen by caster, in rounds, but every round the caster must save versus magic or suffer a catastrophic failure whenever  they fail a roll until the spell's duration is over.   So what is this spell good for?  Sneaking and combat, but has some risks!

Spell #76 Shoal

    Magic User Level 3  Duration- Until used to counter Range-  Line of sight for the counter, around the caster for each fish Shoal- Summons a fish familiar, floats around caster, glows faintly blue. Caster may have up to 100 fish per caster level. Each fish counters a spell as it is being cast in line of sight of the caster, the caster chooses without knowing what the spell is. Once the fish counters that spell, it dissipates.   So what is this good for? Fightin' mages!  

Spell # 75 Rush of Light and Wind

     Magic User Level 3 Duration- Range- Your Party and opponents Rush of Light and Wind- This spell may only be cast during combat. Bring a rush of wind and light to caster, intimidates and inspires, -one to rolls of opponents, + one to rolls of allies for one round. Any morale checks for your parties retainers succeed, and nay opposing morale checks on monsters fail during this round as well.  So what is this spell good for? A final push to defeat the enemy, or force them to flee- WHICH COUNTS FOR EXP!