Spell #85 Essence


Magic User Level 4

Duration- Until Spoken

Range- 0

Essence- Distill a held object to spoken word, when the word is spoken, the object appears in the casters hands, or anywhere they choose in line of sight. This word is invented, and may be transcribed and said by anyone.


So what is this spell good for? For giving a password to the whole crew, a password that creates an item. For hiding marbles or lard in your memory, then creating a patch of it in line of sight to trip fleeing monks. If you can trick someone into saying something, and you make that something be this spell, they will be forced to put the object somewhere. This spell is great for passing on objects and over great distances, trapped in the mind of someone instead of their bag. Actively searching for lost Essence words can be a profitable experience, and a great adventure hook.
