Spell #86 Hearts



Magic User level 4

 Duration- Five Rounds

 Range- Line of Sight and Attack Range

Hearts- Caster can see living creatures hearts in line of sight of the caster for five rounds. This means they can actually physically see through all matter and energy and look at their hearts, and they also may know their current morale score. Additionally, the caster may attack hearts directly as if they were a separate creature. You still have to be in attack range, but the hearts individual AC is the Wisdom and morale of the heart's owner divided by two rounding down. On successful hits on a heart, the creature takes damage as minus to their morale, then check morale to not flee. If they go to zero or less morale from an attack on their heart, they die.

So what is this good for? Battle mages looking to shoot arrows and force fleeing of stronger opponents, for using flame to hit many hearts, for killing armored or scared opponents, and for killing things that cannot be easily killed or getting them to flee.

