Spell #87 Jambow


 Magic User level 4

Duration- As many turns as invisibly nocked

Range- Same as longbow in Lamentations

Jambow- The caster mimes shooting an arrow out of an invisible bow, and each action they spend makes the eventual arrows size. When the invisible arrow hits, it sprays five ounces of jam  for each action of size around the impact site. Contact with this jam slows people by 25%, and the jam is magically disruptive to technology such as electricity or clockwork and machines.

So what is this spell good for? Stopping a clock tower's mechanism, stopping clockwork soldiers, a mad mage's engine, steam ships, rope pulleys, lathes, guns, factory machines, and a whole slew of other tech that might need slowing or stopping. It is also good for combat, with the jam seriously slowing people.

Note: If this spell is ever taken it is strongly suggested that you begin to introduce clockwork soldiers!
