Spell #88 Lullaby



 Magic User Level 4

Duration- Twenty rounds or loud sound

Range- Fifty foot radius around caster

Lullaby- Lulls anything below the age of the caster to sleep in a fifty-foot radius. The sleep lasts twenty rounds, or until sound louder than a cough is made in a thirty radius of a sleeper.


So what is this spell good for?  For getting kids to sleep, animals, teens, and anyone else younger than you. This makes liches VERY DANGEROUS with this spell, especially when they extend the range and duration. And move silently. It is great to knock out guards behind walls, force tigers to sleep-but still be dangerous if someone follows you, and there are tons of other great applications for this sleeping spell. One caveat- You gotta be older, and the older you get the more powerful this spell becomes.

