
Showing posts from April, 2022

Room 76

  76 - Salix babylonica Chamber This chamber has no doors, just three stone archways, dry and cracked stone grey and ancient looking. In the room is an old Salix babylonica – gently swaying with the pressure changes elsewhere in the dungeon. The rest of the room is covered in a thick layer of soil and short grasses – amongst the grass are scattered rocks and old leaves and branches – tangled up in the tree is 100’ of old rope, cut into 5 or six sections and scattered around the tree – and two shortswords. The room is roughly 15X30 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.  

Room 75

  75 - Phragmites australis and Reverse-Mosquitoes This chamber has no doors, just two stone archways, wet and festooned with hanging mosses. This room is swampy as a fen – damp soil and ankle-deep water permeate the space and seep into the mazelike series of hallways to the north and west of this room. The room is nearly filled with Phragmites australis – and is steamy and damp – bugs and mice live in the reeds – it is not a pleasant space to linger. There is an obvious path through the room, and there is a strange reverence the reeds have towards not being in the path – this is where the sun stalks by. In the room are also Slimy-Reed-Faces and Pale Mosquitos. Deep in the swamps there are faces in the reeds. the slimy-reed-faces will talk to you about the weather, about what has happened in their patch of the swamp, will riddle and gossip happily. they are often multilingual and love a good yarn. to speak to the reeds is a common aphorism that means...

Room 74

  74 – Details Details This room’s doorways are wooden – made of oak and locked behind brass doorknobs. The room has a small table in the center, with three chairs drawn up to it – and two other chairs further away. Describe the room very clearly – with excruciating detail – then if the players enter again – give a different descriptions, add chairs, move them, just make it different, and describe it in just as much detail. Do this every time they look in the room – and if they get curious or talk about how the room has changed – roll initiative, they are now fighting an escaped Detail Devil. Detail Devil Invisible and formless – detail devils haunt spaces where not much seems to be going on, but people still notice changes – it is compelled and repulsed by attention, and so it strives to draw subtle and unconscious attention by changing things very slightly. HD 3 HP 7 Speed 000’ Armor 12 Morale 12 Attack : Change something DRASTICALLY on succe...

Room 73

  73 – Blood and Vinegar Storage The doors to this room are surreal – they look like grids of iron spheres, held by some invisible force. Through the gaps, one can see the room – inside of which is what appears to be a man-shaped copper form – a golem of extreme power and importance. Blood And Vinegar HD 19 HP 200 Speed 70’ base Armor 25 to take damage, 6 to be hit Morale 12 Attack : Variable – Normal unadjusted or unaltered is automatic damage equal to rolled attack roll if it succeeds. Special : When the chamber in Blood and Vinegar’s Stomach is given an input liquid – It gains powers, behaviors, memories, emotions, and more - dependent on the liquid. BaV is nonviolent – curious – very old – very tough and powerful – and trapped in this room unless someone removes the barrier, which can only be removed by a person being on either side of the barrier, and touching the center sphere. The room is roughly 15X15 feet, each hallways/pass...

Room 72

  72 – Harnessed Stone This chamber’s doors are made of solid gold. This room contains a small stone held in gold metal chains harnessed in a cube pattern, and sways slowly like a child in a swing. All about the process – this stone is the closest the alchemist came to a philosophers stone – and can be used as a powerful focus object. It reroutes energy – and as such, can be used for a great variety of purposes. It can convert heat to kinetic energy, like an engine – it can convert radioactivity into electricity – so on and so forth. Gold and noble gases are good for containing it, as otherwise it would react to things and change energy to other energy. It starts the process by being held and told what kind of energy to react to, and what other form to emanate. Right now it emanates kinetic energy, and takes input from sound – so if the players make noise, have the stone in the harness swing violently, and make to hit checks on them...

Room 71

  71 – Briar Chamber This chamber has no doors, just two stone archways, slightly damp and clammy. This chamber is filled about three inches deep with soil – and filled with Erica arborea except a small path. In the soil in this room, there are d8 I search the body rolls – deep in brambles - each one takes 1d20X3 minutes to find, or three sun moves. The room is roughly 15X32 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

Room 70

  70 – Herb Patch Room This chamber has no doors, just three stone archways, scratched and chipped and obviously very old. This chamber is filled about five inches deep with soil – and growing in the room is Filipendula ulmaria, Matricaria recutia, Stachys officinalis, and Hypericum perforatum. In the soil in this room, there are 2d20 copper coins, patina covered and dented - each one takes 1d8X3 minutes to find, or three sun moves. The room is roughly 15X15 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.  

Room 69

  69 – A Pile of Clothes The door in and the door out are squeaky – rusted metal hinges betray anybody entering – or exiting, I suppose. In the center of this room is what appears to be a huge pile of clothes – mostly blue. There are empty racks – as if the clothing was pulled down and thrown – it is not sorted or folded, but rather piled like a mound of leaves. Under the pile of clothes is a clothes pile bug – clothes pile bugs are huge and sticky yellow, carapaced beetles that smell like the sickly sweet rot of flesh. They start very small, and once they find a corpse, they strip it of clothes, eat the corpse and hide the remains, then nest under the clothes. when someone or something investigates the clothes, it ambushes them. then it repeats the process, getting bigger and bigger, but having more and more clothes to hide themselves under. If the PCs linger – or stray anywhere close to the pile, they may be attacked – and if they touch the pile they w...

Room 68

  68 – Rain Chamber This room’s door is made of copper – shining brightly if the players have light. The doorknob is copper – and is unlocked – the other side of the door is heavily patina’ed and corroded green and is quite pretty – covered in verdigris like a statue in a garden. The room proper is surreal – the ceiling is thick white and grey and black clouds – and rain pours constantly, collecting on the sloped floor and going down a drain in the center – this water is the main starting source of the Waterworks. Sitting in the rain is a girl – she wears blue and has blonde hair. Her name is Eileen, and she refuses to leave – but seemingly does not need to eat or drink – a fact that if pointed out will cause her great despair. She wants to go to the Waterfall in the Waterworks, but got lost and heard water, and found her way here – she has a small backpack in the corner of the room, it has 20 candles and some extra clothes – the bag is waterproof. She...

Room 67

  67 – PLEASE DON”T MAKE MY MISTAKES This room has a loop to one side – it has no doors. The two doors to the top and bottom are made of iron banded oak – and painted in red. The red painted door has white letters in paint that say PLEASE DON’T MAKE MY MISTAKES The room is filled with small bundles of blue clothing – hanks of blonde hair – bottles of blood and other fluids – what looks like a harness for a large block (Ice Harness for Room 37) – and a humanoid two part mold. These all rest on tables – and look as if they were moved around recently. The hallway loop appears normal – under intense light it becomes obvious that the air is hot – but does not feel hot, though heat ripples are visible. Detect magic or true seeing will reveal hundreds and hundreds of symbols, shorthand for something – A person's memories. Passing though the loop will replace the walkers memories with extensively recorded and photographic memories of Eileen’s – these...

Room 66

  66 – Metrology Chamber The door to this room is made of iron plated with aluminum - with visible tubing – the tubes are filled with argon. The doors lock – and have a unique looking lock – it is just a finger-sized hole. Poke a finger in and have a small prick – if it is human blood it will let you into the room. The room itself is filled with crates and tables and shelves – filled with weights of many material and make – and scales of all kinds. Lead, gold, iron, stone, copper, and other weights – from many cultures – and at least three kinds of scales – all used to measure things in different precise ways. The room is roughly 37X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.