Room 73


73 – Blood and Vinegar Storage

The doors to this room are surreal – they look like grids of iron spheres, held by some invisible force.

Through the gaps, one can see the room – inside of which is what appears to be a man-shaped copper form – a golem of extreme power and importance.

Blood And Vinegar

HD 19 HP 200 Speed 70’ base Armor 25 to take damage, 6 to be hit Morale 12

Attack : Variable – Normal unadjusted or unaltered is automatic damage equal to rolled attack roll if it succeeds.

Special: When the chamber in Blood and Vinegar’s Stomach is given an input liquid – It gains powers, behaviors, memories, emotions, and more - dependent on the liquid.

BaV is nonviolent – curious – very old – very tough and powerful – and trapped in this room unless someone removes the barrier, which can only be removed by a person being on either side of the barrier, and touching the center sphere.

The room is roughly 15X15 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

