Room 74


74 – Details Details

This room’s doorways are wooden – made of oak and locked behind brass doorknobs.

The room has a small table in the center, with three chairs drawn up to it – and two other chairs further away.

Describe the room very clearly – with excruciating detail – then if the players enter again – give a different descriptions, add chairs, move them, just make it different, and describe it in just as much detail. Do this every time they look in the room – and if they get curious or talk about how the room has changed – roll initiative, they are now fighting an escaped Detail Devil.

Detail Devil

Invisible and formless – detail devils haunt spaces where not much seems to be going on, but people still notice changes – it is compelled and repulsed by attention, and so it strives to draw subtle and unconscious attention by changing things very slightly.

HD 3 HP 7 Speed 000’ Armor 12 Morale 12

Attack: Change something DRASTICALLY on successful attack rolls – things like, blood pouring out of cupboards, a chair suddenly falling apart, someones hair graying, the area being hot – so on and so forth.

Special: The Detail Devil is detail-oriented, if the room is described or the differences are corrected, or the players leave, the effects diminish or fade – and it can be hit if a player makes an abrupt change in detail, which will be a normal attack roll and damage dealt will be a D6, if successful. Examples would be, smashing a chair, ripping off clothes, suddenly playing music, or some other general detail change.

The room is roughly 20X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

