Room 72


72 – Harnessed Stone

This chamber’s doors are made of solid gold.

This room contains a small stone held in gold metal chains harnessed in a cube pattern, and sways slowly like a child in a swing.

All about the process – this stone is the closest the alchemist came to a philosophers stone – and can be used as a powerful focus object.

It reroutes energy – and as such, can be used for a great variety of purposes.

It can convert heat to kinetic energy, like an engine – it can convert radioactivity into electricity – so on and so forth.

Gold and noble gases are good for containing it, as otherwise it would react to things and change energy to other energy.

It starts the process by being held and told what kind of energy to react to, and what other form to emanate.

Right now it emanates kinetic energy, and takes input from sound – so if the players make noise, have the stone in the harness swing violently, and make to hit checks on them, if it hits them, the sound will make it move even more and so on.

The room is roughly 25X25 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

