Room 75


75 - Phragmites australis and Reverse-Mosquitoes

This chamber has no doors, just two stone archways, wet and festooned with hanging mosses.

This room is swampy as a fen – damp soil and ankle-deep water permeate the space and seep into the mazelike series of hallways to the north and west of this room.

The room is nearly filled with Phragmites australis – and is steamy and damp – bugs and mice live in the reeds – it is not a pleasant space to linger.

There is an obvious path through the room, and there is a strange reverence the reeds have towards not being in the path – this is where the sun stalks by.

In the room are also Slimy-Reed-Faces and Pale Mosquitos.

Deep in the swamps there are faces in the reeds. the slimy-reed-faces will talk to you about the weather, about what has happened in their patch of the swamp, will riddle and gossip happily. they are often multilingual and love a good yarn. to speak to the reeds is a common aphorism that means to speak to those in the know, and for good reason. many secrets are known by the reeds. they are funny.

Pale Mosquitos are large bloated bugs, that flap quietly and inject blood. They are pale and ugly, and ponderously pursue their prey through swamp and fen, trying their darndest to get some blood into you. They aren’t doing this to hurt you, in fact some people wise to their benefits seek them out. Mostly vampires and the deathly sick. In fact, some vampires revere them and help them build their nests and protect them religiously.

Amongst the muck is three pieces of silver jewelry – each takes 2d8 sun moves to find – or a search roll that succeeds – each is worth (1d20+3) 20 Silver.

The room is roughly 15X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

