
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Fifty-Five Potion Color Combinations

Previous Potion Posts! Old Potion Math Potion List! Potion Colors! DON'T READ THIS STUFF IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY IN ONE OF MY GAMES THANK YOU  1 Waning Draught Appearance - brown fluid, the bubbles linger if this potion is shaken. Texture - cheap alcohol. Taste - vanilla extract. Smell - strong vanilla extract. The imbiber ages 1d4 years.  2 Red Hands Appearance - bright red juice. Texture - acerbic and dry. Taste - bright red berries. Smell - sugary and cloying. The imbiber’s hands sweat red paint for six turns. 3 Witches’ Brew Appearance - a dull yellow oil. Texture - oily and thin. Taste - fish oil, potion’s flavor will be burped later. Smell - nothing. As flammable as it gets, like super gasoline. As hard to remove as flaming oil, vaporous like gasoline, and highly caloric if consumed. 4 Delicate Dram Appearance - pale pink liquid. Texture - water. Taste - tastes like petrichor.  Smell - rose water. One of the imbiber’s senses of their choice is amplified twofold for six turns