Twelve Saints
here is a table of twelve saints! 1 st. cyperian, who was crushed by a falling drawbridge st. cyperian famously commanded a fearsome general to drop his weapons during a critical battle. symbols: drawbridges, a club laying on the ground. 2 st. isla, who was clubbed to death st. isla is known for being selfless and honorable, and healing anyone who she crossed paths with - even to her own detriment. she healed the vagabonds who later clubbed her to death. symbols: an open hand, spearmint leaves. 3 st. shannon, who fell into a raging river st. shannon is the patron saint of explorers, often known by the common folk for her apparent fearlessness - a trait often shared with her companions. symbols: two eyes in the darkness, rivers. 4 st. raine, who was sliced in half by the devil st. raine couldn't help but be nosy, and she paid dearly when she detected evil in her abbey and accused a visiting monk of baleful intention...