Ten "Statues"

1 - gargoyle

(Secret: you can pull the tongue, which shoots a jet of fire out of the gargoyle's hindquarters)

(Obvious: there's a bumhole, scorch marks in room, and the statue is rotatable on casters - the fuel is accessible via successfully tinkering)

2 - old man clutching a column

(Secret: if someone lights tobacco near the statue, the statue will suck it in - then the pillar will raise, revealing alcoves high up in the room, which were formerly hidden by the lowered ceiling)

(Suggestions for what to put in the alcoves? Skeletons that leap down, dead people and grave goods, emergency stores, empty space, secret passages to other rooms)

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Mini grave goods table

1 glass beads

2 rotted silks

3 urn

4 ewer containing spoiled oil

5 gold jewelry (1d6 x 1d10 GP worth)

6 Referee invents something cool

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(Obvious: a slight mechanism wheeze as the statue sucks in air, a pipe and pouch decorating the statue)

3 - noble steed

(Secret: contains a mummified horse, which has a pack of supplies jammed in with it - containing amulets to ward off wild dogs, wildfires, and broken legs - various horse ointments - dried apples - and four silver horseshoes worth 130 sp each)

(Obvious: the statue is hollow if tapped)

4 - blacksmith

(Secret: contains several weapons, which emerge out of a concealed chute at the statue's base - these are released when the anvil is struck with a hammer - a broadsword with +1 to hit anyone unarmed (coward is engraved on the blade), a bundle of six iron tipped arrows, a scimitar that turns into a 2 HD boa when the emerald that decorates its' hilt is crushed, a dagger that is weighted so well it may be thrown as a free action, and a bladed bracelet that blocks one incoming arrow a day by violently jerking its wearer's arm and knocking the arrow out of the air)

(Obvious: the chute, if the characters closely inspect the statue or they lie on the ground, also the anvil is quite obviously steel instead of stone)

5 - huge egg

(Secret: this egg contains a small cushioned loveseat, accessible via magical mechanisms - to open the egg you must crack an egg on it, which cracks open a hatch with a hiss and pop - in the crack of the seat cushion is a scroll of Hatch*.

(Obvious: I suggest you place eggshells around it, or some sort of dangerous chicken nearby - another fun idea is a dead wizard rotting inside, or a live wizard who was meditating)

6 - guys mid fight 

(Secret: the swords are replaceable, and if one is given a smaller or larger weapon, the one of them with a larger weapon will win - one is scowling and one is laughing. The laughing man is filled with poisonous gas (save vs poison or take 1d4 damage - gas fills 30 foot cube around fallen statue), the scowling man is filled with silver coins (144 sp))

(Obvious: the two men fighting have hollow hands that can fit weapon handles, they currently are armed with matching short swords - and there is a big obvious stone button at their base - which, when pressed, animates them for a couple months as they spar with the weapons in hand)

7 - big lizard

(Secret: when food is placed in his mouth, a secret door opens in a wall of the room.)

(Obvious: the lizard has his mouth open)

8 - miniature castle

(Secret: the interior of the castle is dollhouse-esque rooms, each with little tiny people-shaped bottles of perfume - the total set is worth upwards of 1000 sp, and the interior is accessible if the drawbridge is lowered)

(Obvious: if one peers through the murder holes and has light, they can see little rooms with people in them, the castle also smells good)

9 - seated philosopher 

(Secret: if there is a pitched debate or argument, the statue will animate long enough to stand up, point, and look angry, and it was sitting on a stack of books!!!! (Use a book table or make some up or something) - and if the books are removed - the statue will not reseat itself until a new book or books are put on his stone seat)

(Obvious: the statue has ear holes, and is sitting on a stack of books!!!! The books are very weighted down and look fragile, removing one destroys it and the rest can be safely removed after that ( suggestion: make the first one valuable and the rest less so, or valueless) )

10 - bored king

(Secret: if there is a entertaining spectacle, such as acrobatics, juggling, singing, a play, et cetera - the statue will animate, clapping and laughing - after which the top of his head will open up and a gold coin will flip out towards the performance - the statues contains 300 gold pieces, but the statue is extremely thick and well built, destroying or even just attempting to damage it will definitely call for some random encounter checks)

(Obvious: the king looks terribly bored, and has a bulging purse depicted at his belt)
