Winds: Events, Triggers, Tracking, Weather, Motifs



The wind is a powerful indicator of themes and motifs – and also functions as a weather system.

It is carefully engineered to make players realize what weather means what, and to induce fear and heightened emotion associated with weather, which often becomes an afterthought in RPGS, but due to the survival elements in the arctic, weather is essential and life or death.


Every Event/Day/Arbitrary Time Period, roll 1d4.

1 Eastern Wind of War  Snow

2 Northern Wind of Journeys  Winds

3 Southern Wind of Change  Alt/Month Weather

4 Western Wind of Vision  Fog

Events that trigger wind are interconnected.

A New Wind happens each day, at dawn.

If the players encounter something from one of the four factions, the wind may shift to be like that faction.

You should roll for a new wind when one of the following occurs:

A Wind Trigger

A New Day Dawns

Something interesting needs to happen


War-Wind is snow as weather and of varying severity. The East Wind of War culminates in battle, and is contingent on Idunn Byrnhild’s progress towards forming an alliance with the savage cannibals of Vidrek, and subsequently razing all semblance of civilization, and she’s headed east, and fast.


Journey-Wind is buffeting winds as weather. The Northern

Wind of Journeying Peoples culminates in Esther Waiwards locating and exploring the tomb known as Eophrosgarch. Once there, if successful, she and her accompaniment will unearth information and magical treasure that may be crucial in the inevitable war against Branchley Fortress, and then the rest of the continents.


Changing-Wind is lots of variety for weather such as storms or blizzards or stranger still. The Southern Wind of Change culminates in Egregore being focused on and potentially brought to fruition. If the hidden minority succeed and potentiate a belief-god, this will profoundly change the world, and will be difficult to eradicate as long as belief continues.

This wind blows towards the Ring of Convocation, where the event shall occur if not stopped.


Vision is fog, Western wind of vision Culminates in the drowned house and it’s Eyes (Palantir), The western wind seeks a place and its relics in order to rule over the lands here if the margrave should fall. This wind blows towards the Drowned House and it’s many meanings, and is the main focus of Heidrun.

wind triggers

~Encountering a month’s rule~

~Dead Party Member~

~More than seven dead after a battle~

~First animal killed hunting~

~First looking into Palantir~

~Presence of Heidrun, Esther, Or Idunn~

~Day with No food~

~Starting Fire without bought tools~

~No Party members are original~

~First encounter of any named location~

~More than three days of being snowed in~

~Cannibalism in party~

~Anyone gets Frostbite~

~Seeing yourself through an Palantir~

~True Horror Panic Peril or Dread~

Every morning there is a 1d4 wind roll ~

1 East Wind of war—Snow, usually means 1/3 movement

2 North wind of journeys—Winds ocean travel sped up by 33% depending- and stuff gets buffeted and blown around

3 southern wind of change—Variable ½ or other effects

4 western wind of vision—Fog- ocean travel hindered- LOS#Same weather after 1 day, IE 1, the none the next day?

Weather stacks up, so snow becomes worse an accumulates, fog gets thicker, winds get stronger, and change gets stranger.

Describe snow as…

Cloying, heavy, drifting, floating, stacking up, slushy,

penetrating, wet, dry, powdery, painful to look at, constant, as far as the eye can see, around tents, on shoulders, crunchy, insidious, creeping in towards the fire, surrounding, gentle, blinding, punishing, driving, dreamlike.

Describe wind as…

Pushing, cutting, pulling, buffeting, brisk, gusting,

screaming, thieving, sapping, chilling, squally, prompting,

crying, stop and go, wild, persistent, eye watering, dry, biting, cold to the bone, blustery, howling, cursed, fierce, merciless, wailing, cruel, murmuring, moaning, piercing.

Describe fog as…

Milky, cloudy, mysterious, quiet, damping, still,

swirling, gauzy, hazy, misty, thick, miasmatic, fuzzy, bleary, could be cut with a knife and fork, vague, shady, pale, obscuring, confusing, limiting, unknown, nefarious, sightless, cloistered, close, hugging wreathing.
