Weave Weeping

 Weave Weeping

Magic User Level 9

Duration: Until the cloth is finished- or caster stops early

Range: All people in caster’s line of sight

All people in line of sight of the caster compulsively begin to cry- their tears drop and fly towards the caster’s hands, where the caster can effortlessly weave them as one would weave hot strands of glass – if their hands were made of metal.

The resulting cloth tests morale on sight, is transparent at will, has base AC 16, is supple and soft, insulating enough to allow the caster to withstand subzero temperatures, and is easy for the caster, and the caster alone, to sew with.

While they weep, they are forced to relive and re-examine poor choices, regrets, trauma, sadnesses, and any sort of negative experiences, which renders them at a cumulative -1 to all rolls each round they weep.

The cloth length is Nx1D4, In feet², where N is the amount of weeping people. It takes a round to weave for each foot squared.
