Thank You


So I have been writing a big blogpost about things, and some people - A blogpost all about some stuff that made me feel bad.

I spent a lot of time and energy thinking about it and writing about it - trying to express exactly how I felt and why - and struggling to clearly and simply express that in a way that people could grasp.

I was worried about writing all that out - I was scared and not really sure how to work through it.

So I talked to people - I talked to people I consider friends - and got advice, and worked on it until it got to a point where I felt like it was done.

I then had a bad morning, and a strange day - I was worried/preoccupied about something bigger - and hesitated.

I watched Raggi's video about committing commercial suicide - and the combination of that video + my doubt + the advice of my friends convinced me that my approach was wrong - and I've scrapped the post.

Instead I am writing this one.

It came very clearly to me: Instead of calling out and confronting what was making me feel bad - I should thank the people that supported me.

Instead of feeling angry and sad and scared - I need to make sure that the people who helped me through that are given a word or two about how much that can mean.

So - Thank you to the following for helping me navigate this:
Zak Sabbath,
Trent B,
Jeff Rients,
That Dark Sky,
and everyone else who helped make me feel welcome or accepted.

I really hope I didn't forget anyone - if I did, let me know.

You made a difference. 


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