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So I sat, still and frozen

In a lake of my design

Here are things that I have chosen

Works that are connected with a line

A chalk-white streak crosses

Stories and music capture the losses

And the sensation of the cold

Of people who lost fingers but still grew old

Vornheim and Frostbitten and Mutilated by Zak Sabbath

The Thing by John Carpenter

Penumbra: Overture and Black Plague by Frictional Games

Siren by Project Siren

Will to Live: dispatches from the edge of survival by Les Stroud

COLD by Jose Tomas Novoa

Survivorman S1E5 Arctic, Survivorman S2E3 Labrador, Survivorman S3E3 Arctic Tundra

The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard

South by Ernest Shackleton

Survival In Auschwitz: The Nazi Assault on Humanity - by Primo Levi

Night by Elie Wiesel

The Skin Spinners by Joan Aiken

The Dark Interval: Towards a Theology of Story by John Dominic Crossan

A History of Torture by George Riley Scott

Warmest Tent on Earth – Pitching in the Siberian Arctic Winter

Anything about the Dyatlov Pass Incident

Anything about the Donner Pass Party

Nova: The Shackleton Story: Shackleton’s Voyage of Endurance

Basic needs – extreme happiness by Aleksander Gamme

Nova: Arctic Passage – The Franklin Expedition

The First Scene of Game of Thrones (HBO)

Chris Campbell: Meetings with Remarkable Alloys

Water Womb World OST by yames

The Evergrace OST by Kota Hoshino

Siren I OST by Hitomi Shimizu

Siren II OST by Kuniaki Haishima

Patrick Gowers: The Interactive Orchestra

Fr. Hominid: Counterparts, Blood Clock, and Ghostlike

Painkiller: Buried Secrets and Guts of a Virgin

Forest Swords: Shrine, Compassion, and Engravings

Benny Maupin Ensemble: Penumbra

Stephan Micus: Koan, East of the Night, Ocean, Twilight Fields, Athos: A Journey To The Holy Mountain,

Towards the Wind, Life, On the Wing, Snow, Panagia, White Night, Winter’s End
