Mt. Parfil


Rocks and boulders

Pitch and choke

Aftershocks and tremors

Niche and gaps in stone

A lion stalks the cliffs and crags

Only fools climb here alone



Grip the lion tightly

Tussle in the snow

Bite the rocks and shout at clouds

He’s never letting go


sharp and wild hooked fur 

sneaking round peaks and tracking snow 

corpses stuck to hide

rough and angular

and swift strikes send sparks flying

old as the mountain

creaky cellar doors open

creepy things are falling out

clattering hinges swing

it isn't moving

it's clever stance is silent 

until it pounces

black crystal liquid

like a shadow of a fire

oh, burning revenge

Base Stats

HD 7 

HP 35 

Speed 140’ Climbing  Flat Ground 150’ 

Armor 15 

Morale 11 

Attack – 1d20 claw swipe – May pounce if from a higher position than target, leap goes 30’ and the damage of a pounce is doubled, and knocks the attacked person prone.

Special: Variable!

Special: Here are 5 example Inanimacats!

Their hooked hide means any attack has a 75% chance to grapple you, and while grappled you take 1d6 damage each time you or the Hookat moves.

There may be dead adventures tangled in their Fishhook Fur. 


Their flint hide means weapons create sparks, when they run or slide they let off great gouts of sparks, and their Armor is increased by 2.


Their cellar door hide means they are made of iron banded wood doors, which mean each time they quickly reverse direction or leap, some of the doors open, with one releasing something based on the roll of 1D8, and their Armor is increased by 1.

1: A zombie falls out.

2: A sack of potatoes falls out.

3: A rusty metal tool falls out.

4: About a gallon of dirty looking water falls out.

5: A huge jar of pickled vegetables falls out, likely shattering.

6: A very frightened child falls out.

7: A old piece of broken furniture fall out.

8: Referee, choose something you would like to fall out, preferably something that would be in a cellar. Suggestions (Dead body, Hermit, Pail of nasty water, old clothes, Dirt, Big Rock)

Their glass hide means they are hard to see, like where is what is semi-obscured, and damaging them leads to lots of shards and chunks of broken glass splitting off and potentially hurting  those who harmed them. If they are in water, it is extremely hard to see them, and if they stand still (they're good at this) they are very close to invisible.


Their tar hide means weapons that strike them have a 50% chance to be stuck, they leave black marks everywhere, and if set alight will leave dripping trails of fire and will take 8 damage a round, but during each of their turns on fire, they get three actions instead of one – and they will seek flaming revenge or water, whichever seems most likely.

Make your own Inanimacat! 

Just pick some inanimate material, and imagine a big cat made of it! There you go! Now use the base stats, and give it adjustments based on the material!
