

Arctic Cod

Arctic Foxes

Arctic Tern



Dire Wolves



Grey Goosefish

Ground Sloth


Kills Bears Eats Potatoes


Musk Ox




Polar Bear

Ringed Seal/ Bearded Seal

Saber Toothed Tiger

Short Faced Bear





A Pack- Has a designated leader – and will harry and hunt and stalk – if you are lower in size or strength.

A Herd – Usually migrating – will not attack unless provoked.

A Flock – Usually migrating – can fly – scatter when anything approaches – complex hierarchy.

A Party – Each member has a role – has strategies as a group.

A School – Move as a unit all at once – group thinking.

Anything not in these groupings is implied to be solitary, and some solitary things logically hunt, some migrate, some form mated pairs or reproduce infrequently.

Arctic Cod
Arctogadus glacialis)

water weaving cod

swimming by the icy floes

calmly passing by

HD 0 HP 1 Speed 170’ Swimming

Armor 14 Morale 7 Attack: 1d4 Bite

Cod form schools of 1d12+3.

Arctic Foxes
(Vulpes lagopus)

white fur in deep snow

depth in motion moves in mind

searching for spring voles

HD 1 HP 4 Speed 110’

Armor 5 Morale 4

Attack: 1D4 Bite, Goes for fingers.

Special: Stealth 4/6.

Arctic Tern
(Sterna paradisaea)

small spot way above

gracefully flies down on ice

foraging in groups

HD 1 HP 3

Speed 160’ Flying 50’ Walking

Armor 12 Morale 6 Attack: 1d4 Peck

Tern travel in flocks of 15 +/-1d4.

(Bos primigenius)

red clay and old caves

wise old horns and smeared red paint

an archaic sight

HD 9 HP 30 Speed 140’ Armor 13

Morale 7 Attack 2d8 Gore, d10 Trample

Special:Auroch herds always have an Elder Auroch.

 Auroch come in herds of 3d10+4.

Treat this as a normal Auroch, except they possess one of the following spells:

Sanctuary, Mass Resist Cold, Ice To Slush, Crack Ice,

Protection from Normal Weapons, Earthquake.

Bone Crushing Dogs
(Borophagus secundus)

the crunching canines

cracking marrow out of bone

snarling thudding paws

HD 3 HP 13 Speed 120’

Armor 12 Morale 7 Attack: +1 1d6 hp bite - On a 6 they thrash and knock you prone

Bone Crushing Dogs come in packs of 1d20+8

(Rangifer tarandus)

temerity moves the herd

and they have always moved east

seeking the warm sun

HD 3 HP 21 Speed 130’ Armor 5

Morale 3 Attack: 1D6 +2 Gore

Caribou come in herds of 1d10-1d100 +5

Dire Wolves
(Aenocyon dirus)

snapping at our cold heels

chasing us and snarling dire threats

determined to eat

HD 4 HP 17 Speed 130’

Armor 14 Morale 10 Attack: +2 2d6 hp bite

Dire Wolves come in packs of 1d12+4

(Cervus canadensis)

magic rack of horns

bellowing call sends shivers

better climb a tree

HD 3 HP 20 Speed 130’ Armor 9 Morale 4

Attack: 1D10 +3 Gore

Special – If it is rutting season Elk go first in initiative and have 10 morale.

Elk come in herds of 1d10-1d20, but are solitary during rutting season.

(Capra aegagrus)

sitting on a tor

majestic passing sheer cliffs

with tough hooves and horns

HD 2 HP 8 Speed 160’

Armor 13 Morale 10 Attack: d8 headbutt, d4 trample

Special - Goats are allied with humans, they will help and fight for humans that have lawful intentions. They often live in the same home as people, and are treated as members of the family. Breastfeeding goats both ways is common practice.

Goats in the wild come in herds of 1d20.

Grey Goosefish
(Piscis griseus anser)

poison swirling skin

and grey like a corpse's hoary form

like ashen fires that died

HD 1 HP 5 Speed 160’ Swimming

Armor 13 Morale 6 Attack: 1d3 Bite

Special – Lethal contact Poison and consumed poison if not cooked.

Ground Sloth
(Megalonyx leptostomus)

wander never walk

ponderously consider steps

tall and long and slow

HD 10 HP 100 Speed 100’

Armor 14 Morale 10 Attack – 2d8 swipe d10 wrangle

Special – Always acts last.

Kills Bears Eats Potatoes
(Manducat ursi Necat amulum)

cloudy dirty ice

and underneath is tendrilled green

it does what it's called

HD 12 HP 80 Speed 70’

Armor 16 Morale 12

Attack – 2d8 Smash D12 Trample prone players in area.

(Mammut raki)

large message stomped out

tusks and fur like a glacier

like a solid wall

HD 15 HP 15 Speed Normal 150 Turning 130

Armor 12 Morale 11

Attack – 1d20 ram 2d6 Trample

Murder Ray
(Xiphactinus vetus )

plate clashing with blade

a murderous beast below

your struggle to flee

HD 7 HP 34 Speed 200’ Swimming

Armor 16 Morale 11 Attack: 1d6X1d4 Bite 

Special: Bite grapples, grapple strength is equal to the bite damage, same damage is dealt each start of turn still grappled

Musk Ox
(Ovibos moschatus)

sheets of fur like rain

herd drifting off like a floe

distance melts behind

HD 7 HP 15

Speed 100’ turning 150 Straight

Armor 14 Morale 10

Attack – 2d6 ram d6 Trample

Musk Ox come in herds of 1d12+12.

(Monodon monoceros)

spring competition

jousting with lances and twisty turns

swiftly piercing ice

HD 15 HP 120

Speed 210’ Swimming

Armor 16 Morale 10

Attack – 2D8 +7 Gore

Special: Has echolocation

(Platygonis compressus)

snorts and skidding

scrambling across the icy ground

grunting and squealing

HD 3 HP 16 Speed 120’ Armor 13 Morale 8

Attack – 1d6 Gore, 1d4 Trample

Peccary form packs of 3D100+100.

(Aptenodytes forsteri)

future on their feet

effortlessly darting through

moving as a group

HD 1 HP 2 Speed 50’ Normal 130’ Sliding 150’ Swimming

Armor 5 Morale 1+each additional Penguin

Attack – 1D4 peck at -1

Penguins form vast colonies of 5,000-10,000, but at sea or when traveling in smaller groups

they form flocks of 1d20+5.

Polar Bear
Ursus maritimus)

blending red and white

on optic fur and padded paw

it's jaws crush a head

HD 7 HP 25 Speed 110’ Armor 14 Morale 9

Attack – +2 Attack 1d6/1d6/1d12 Claw/Claw/Bite

Mothers will have cubs, 1 or 2 usually.

Ringed Seal, Bearded Seal
(Pusa hispida and 
Erignathus barbatus)

out from the ocean

emerges a wet woman

hidden under hide

out from the surf's tides

a cold man emerges forth

concealed under fur

HD 2 HP 9

Speed 40’ Normal 145’ Sliding 120’ Swimming

Armor 6 Morale 8

Attack – 1D6-2 Bite

Seals live in groups of  900-1100.

Saber Toothed Tiger
(Smilodon fatalis)

nine diameter

teeth like spearpoints claws like awls

lithe figure stalking

HD 7 HP 35 Speed 150’

Armor 17 Morale 11 Attack – 1d20 slash

Special: Stealth 4/6

Short Faced Bear
(Arctodus simus)

quick turns to catch you

with it's sharp teeth and long legs

largest carnivore

HD 7 HP 30 Speed 100’

Armor 16 Morale 10

Attack – 1d8/1d8/1d6 Claw/Claw/Bite.

(Odobenus rosmarus)

tusks amid whiskers

many bulls among the rocks

blubber above bone

HD 4 HP 20 Speed 30’ On Land 90’ Swimming Armor 15 Morale 8

Attack – 1D6 +2 Gore

Walrus come in herds of 1d12 to 2D1000 – 1D500, these are called haulouts.

(Balaena mysticetus)

can you hear the song

made of deep undulating tones

that resonate through bone

HD 16 HP 150 Speed 130’Swimming Armor 15

Morale 11 Attack – Swallow Drowning damage? Can Hit Ships

Nix hominis)

long fingers white fur

hunched stature dispossessed of grace

lumbering through the snow

HD 6 HP 15 Speed 140’Climbing 130’ flatfooted

Armor 13 Morale 10

Attack – D10 punch and slash D6, Slash inflicts bleeding on unarmored opponents, this inflicts

1 damage each start of action until staunched

Special: Cannot resist alcohol’s wiles, will seek alcohol in range of about one mile. Has Climb

