Create Riddle Golem

Create Riddle Golem

Magic User Level 8



Creates a Riddle Golem

Caster says a riddle – then it becomes a Riddle Golem

Riddle Golem

HD 7

HP 30

Speed 100’

Armor 18

Morale 12

Attack : 1d4 Strangle and lift into air, they are stuck unless they face and succeed a wrestling test – the golem’s strength bonus and melee bonus for this is +9. Each round started in the air they take an additional 1d4, and may do nothing but attempt to break free through wresting its hands away, or something creative – spells of course, require you to not be choking and gasping for air.



Immune to magic that directly targets it!

When combat begins, say a riddle out loud in a voice different than your usual, then put the players in combat by rolling initiative. Somewhere around them is an invisible golem, and until they say the answer to the riddle aloud as character, the golem will hunt and strangle them. If the riddle’s solution is spoken, the golem will dissipate. Tell them nothing but the riddle, then say – “roll initiative” if you want to be particularly cruel, have the golem go for the smartest player, not character.
