Butcher Attack

Butcher Attack by Gouge!


 The VaM-style spell today is Butcher Attack - the title coming from this song by Gouge.

Here is their bandcamp!

I love the whole album!
It is a good album.

Here are some definitions of Butcher and Attack!

a person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.
a person who slaughters and cuts up animals for food.
a person who kills people indiscriminately or brutally.
a person selling refreshments, newspapers, and other items on a train or in a stadium or theater.
slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.
kill (a person or people) indiscriminately or brutally.
ruin (something) deliberately or through incompetence.
denoting a lesbian whose appearance and behavior are seen as traditionally masculine.

take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.
(of a person or animal) act against (someone or something) aggressively in an attempt to injure or kill.
(of a disease, chemical substance, or insect) act harmfully on.
criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.
begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined and vigorous way.
make an aggressive or forceful attempt to score a goal or point, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game against an opposing team or player.
move into or be in a position to capture (an opponent's piece).
(of a reagent or reactive species) approach and interact with (an atom, group, or bond in a molecule), thereby breaking a bond or forming a new bond.
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
destructive action by a disease, chemical, or insect.
a sudden short bout of an illness or stress.
an instance of fierce public criticism or opposition.
a determined attempt to tackle a problem or task.
the manner of beginning to play or sing a passage.
forceful and decisive style in performing music or another art.
an aggressive attempt to score a goal, win points, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game.
a threat to capture an opponent's piece.

Here are the lyrics!

You run away as fast as you can 

The shadow behind you just grins 

You scream for help, but no one will hear 

The butcher gets closer to you 

You fall on the ground, then you feel the pain 

Of a knife that is cutting through you 

Your guts fall out, blood spews from your mouth 

The butcher still grins over you

Butcher attack 

You watch in fright as the butcher feasts 

And there is nothing that you can do 

Butcher attack 

Here is the spell's effects!

butcher attack

Duration: For the duration of Combat

Range: Caster

This spell may only be cast during combat.

The caster of Butcher Attack considers all people they attack to be helpless, automatically striking and dealing maximum weapon damage.

They may also do one of the following as an action during their turns:

Let out a bloodcurdling moan of primal vengeance, immediately testing the morale of all creatures and retainers present,
Throw a held weapon up to 200 feet,

Leap up to 150 feet in a vertical parabola,

Instantly kill a grappled foe.

Each time the caster of
Butcher Attack kills something, they may take another action.

When combat ceases – the caster takes X damage, where X is 35 minus the amount of hit dice held by whatever they slew that combat.

Miscast Table

1 – The caster just takes 35 damage after the spell concludes, there is no hit dice reduction.

2 – This casting randomly targets someone else in the combat.

3 – The caster is considered helpless of the duration of combat.

4 – The caster is transformed into a mongoose.

5 – The caster explodes in a gory gout of blood – a geyser of vis and boneshards – then a gigantic red mantis emerges from the red ribbons that were once the caster.
Red Mantis

HD 5 HP 35 Speed 130
Armor 1
5 Morale 8
+4 Slice with foreleg – 2D8, if the same number is on both dice,
foreleg attack cleaves the target in two, likely immediately killing them

6 – The caster’s hands permanently become cleavers – which are attached to their bones.

7 – Any blood that gets on the caster while the duration of the spell lasts cannot ever be cleaned off.

8 – The damage dealt by attacks performed by the caster of Butcher Attack heal the targets – and the damage that would be dealt after the combat is over is healing instead.

9 – The caster is swapped with the current living serial killer with the most bodies to their name – who is here for the duration of combat. If they are killed – then the caster is trapped wherever they were transported.

10 – The spell will be cast the next time the caster sees blood – and this will also automatically initiate combat, even if there are no combatants to fight.

11 – Anybody killed by the caster of Butcher Attack explodes in a gory gout of blood – a geyser of vis and boneshards – then a gigantic red mantis emerges from the red ribbons that were once the killed person – Stats as above. The mantises are not friendly.

12 – If an attack made by the caster of Butcher Attack does not kill a target – then the spell’s effects pass onto them. This keeps happening until combat is over, then whoever has the spell’s effects takes the damage.
