Room 201


201- Snakes and Ladders

There is a doorway to the south, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is unlocked and closed.

There is a doorway to the east, which is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.

The room is festooned with black slabs of shale, cracks and fissures dominate the space – propped up along the walls and against one another are wooden ladders painted bright colors.

If somebody climbs the ladder’s rungs up – one of their statistics will increase if it has been reduced or removed – if they do not have lost points in that statistic, it increases by one and they lose a point in another statistic – If they climb down it reduced the statistic by one.

So ideally, the players climb up and then jump – and land by a snake, which bites them, and the circus begins.

The ladders are painted the color of the statistic they alter.

Red: Charisma

Orange: Constitution

Yellow: Dexterity

Green: Intelligence

Blue: Strength

Indigo: Wisdom

Violet: Random statistic

Among the cracks are many snakes, make them constantly strike and hiss and slither and just be everywhere, have constant initiative as soon as they enter the room.

Color Snake Stats

HD 1 HP 4 Speed 100’ Armor 12 Morale 7 Attack Bite +2 to hit d4 and save vs Poison each round until a save is made, taking 1 statistic point loss per failed save.

The lost statistic corresponds to the color -

Red: Charisma

Orange: Constitution

Yellow: Dexterity

Green: Intelligence

Blue: Strength

Indigo: Wisdom

Violet: Random statistic

To the east is a closet – it has several buckets of paint in it – this paint, if applied, will increase the statistic it is color-coded for – and decrease another.

If applied to the item it grants a +1 to that statistic but rubs off easy and is flammable.

There is 15 buckets in total, with random colors – and ~1D8 applications in each bucket.

Red: Charisma

Orange: Constitution

Yellow: Dexterity

Green: Intelligence

Blue: Strength

Indigo: Wisdom

Violet: Random statistic

If you are feeling FUCKING EVIL – Make the paint, ladders, and snakes NOT correspond.

The room is roughly 30X14 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

