Ascending Hands


Ascending Hands by Lauren Bousfield!

 The VaM-style spell today is Ascending Hands  - the title coming from this song by Lauren Bousfield!

I am totally loving all of Lauren Bousfield's music - you can purchase it all HERE

I recommend everything, but would concentrate on Palimpsest, Avalon Vales, Fire Songs, Locked Into Phantasy, From Rotting Fantasylands, Colonists,  and Grievances and Dead Malls - all of which are spectacular.

Also that is pretty much everything.

Lauren's music has a lot of range, there are sounds like a helicopter + breakdancing, there are percussive electronic drums and buzzing and moving furniture and assemblage and wasps and synths and clicks and drums dropped down stairs.

But then alongside this is piano, careful and delicate arrangement, and just an overall balance.

It all sounds very clearly like Lauren is making the sounds she wants to make - and anytime an artist makes what they want to make, the art is good.

 Also: The track titles are always KILLER

Here are some other tracks that would make fantastic spells - and you can expect to see at least 4 more spells based on Lauren's music from me in the future -

If We Save Just One Child It Will All Be Worth It, Adraft, Clean Strategic Narratives With Relatable Messaging Murder Them Violently Make Their Children Watch, August Reaching, Administrative Violence, Birds Falling Out Of The Sky, Futurelessness, Crawling Into A Fireplace Cackling, A Joke Poorly Told, Palimpsest, Fire Sale, Riverrun Humble Allegory, Avalon Sliding Down the Cliff, Archangel Glycon, Cracknight, Pulling Down Palm Trees, Valed, Lipstick Smeared Over the Amaretto, Cascading Retail Spaces, Audkyrie, Somerset Blather on and On, Automatic Warlock RFID Stratford Upon Avon, Heavening, Our Trauma, No Clocks No Mirrors (For Joey), Constantly Watching The Way The World Treats Us I Love You Pull my Hair, No On3, Crisis Actress, November Floating First Being Able To Use My Fingers, Little Half Dead Fire Exits Hi, Piles of Black Dresses and Theory and Bodies and Light and Distance Between People and Whatever Nevermind, Cirlgocks, (The Ropes Our Nights Were Laid Across, Pulled Taut), Seraphim Sliding Backwards, Pulling Down Never, That Was Everything I Owned, Locked Into Phantasy, A Tiny Streak Of Daylight, Blown Blooms, Swarming Idiot Effigy, Vengeance In Cloudland, Probably End Up Dead In A Ditch Somewhere, In Keyed Fantasy, Stretched Linen Over Contorted Bodies, Action Winter Journey, Death Parade, Everything Must Go, Charging Swarm Of Mouseketeers, Civilizing People, In Aisles, Dog Cooking Eggs, Talons and Stucco, Family Lying Face Down In Living Room, (Pagentry, Arrows), Clthonic Husk, Pact With God, Religious Ecstacy Via, Shamu Wraith, Women Are Not Things, A Lie Temporarily Becomes The Truth, Money Puts Horrible Boundaries On Human Possibilities, Happy Screaming Night Businessman, Man With Whip Standing Vomiting, and Reptile Crawling From The Forest.

          represents songs that are very likely to be future spells!



Here are definitions of Ascending and Hands!


increasing in size or importance.

sloping or leading upward.

go up or climb.

climb to the summit of (a mountain or hill).

(of a fish or boat) move upstream along (a river).

rise through the air.

(of a road or flight of steps) slope or lead up.

move up the social or professional scale.

(of a spiritual being or soul) rise into heaven.

(of a voice or sound) rise in pitch.

the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb.

a prehensile organ similar to a hand, forming the end part of a limb of various mammals, such as that on all four limbs of a monkey.

operated by or held in the hand.

done or made manually rather than by machine.

a round of applause.

a person's handwriting.

a pledge of marriage by a woman.

a pointer on a clock or watch indicating the passing of units of time.

used in reference to the power to direct something.

an active role in influencing something.

help in doing something.

a person's workmanship, especially in artistic work.

a person who does something to a specified standard.

(in sports) skill and dexterity.

a person who engages in manual labor, especially in a factory, on a farm, or on board a ship.

the set of cards dealt to a player in a card game.

a round or short spell of play in a card game.

the cards held by a declarer as opposed to those in the dummy.

a unit of measurement of a horse's height, equal to 4 inches (10.16 cm).

a bunch of bananas.

pick (something) up and give it to (someone).

make (abusive, untrue, or otherwise objectionable remarks) to (someone).

make (something) easily obtainable for (someone).

hold the hand of (someone) in order to help them move in the specified direction.

take in or furl (a sail).



No Lyrics!





Ok - here is the spell's effects!


Ascending Hands

Duration: Concentration

Range: Line of Sight – then Independent Movement

The caster imagines a pair of hands – silken smooth and flowing like waterfalls. These hands are controlled by the caster as if they were their own – and are invisible and intangible.

The hands coalesce anywhere in the casters desired area that is in their line of sight.

They may interact or alter intangible or otherwise immaterial things.

They can strangle people’s souls – they can push ghosts – they can slap illusions – they can grasp at glamours and auras – they can interrupt beams and cones – In general, they can interact with magical things as if they were material.

The hands themselves are roughly 2X the size of the caster’s normal hands – they may move at the caster’s movement speed and fly though the air – they move right through solid objects.

If the caster takes any strenuous action or is damaged, they will lose concentration.

Miscast Table

1 – The caster’s hands permanently disappear – and instead their hands are replaced with hands as described above, invisible and immaterial except to magic – they now appear to have no hands.

2 – The hands cannot move through solid objects.

3 – The hands move at of the caster’s movement speed.

4 – The hands have a mind of their own, and do not go away – they try to strangle peoples souls indiscriminately.

5 – The hands are strangely inverted – they move at half the rate of the caster, they are visible and bright orange, they are rough and blocky, they may only interact with the material world, and they last one round per caster level.

6 – The hands do not have thumbs, and are summarily unwieldy for minute interactions or precision.

7 – The spell only produces one hand.

8 – The caster can only maintain the spell’s concentration by closing their eyes, and keeping them closed.

9 – If the caster loses concentration due to taking damage, reveal they have a mind of their own and are no longer under control, and do not go away – they try to strangle peoples souls indiscriminately.

10 – Anything magical that deals damage damages the hands, and this damage is inflicted upon the caster if they fail a save vs magic.

11 – The hands have blue-meanie style teeth and sensibilities – they are recalcitrant and aggressive.

12 – The hands are hand to control, they move like an etch-a-sketch in three dimensions and controlling them feels like data entry– and summarily any action attempted to be undertaken by the hands requires a language skill check, failure indicates the hands just drift in the wrong directions or do the wrong action.
