Room 189
189 – Red-Devil Moth Habitat
This chamber has no door, just a pair of stone archways, covered webbing and bits of leaves.
There is a tree growing in the soil in this chamber, but it is festooned with webbing, and hundreds of candy-red cocoons.
Flying around this chamber are around 100 Red-Devil Moths, here are their stats:
Red-Devil Moths
All over the place! At most three can attack each PC a round
HD 2
HP 5
Speed 140’ flying
Armor 13
Morale 12 – unless fire is involved, which they flee.
Attack +2 successful hits deal no damage, but inflicts Confusion.
The dust on their wings could be scraped off and used as powder of Confusion.
In the room are 1D8 Skeletal remains of people – but they have been thoroughly looted.
There is also 1 backpack with two “I search the body” results in it, but it is under thick layers of webbing and cocoons – spotting requires searching.
The room is roughly 34X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
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