Room 185


185- Spider’s Dead Tree Den

This chamber has no doors, just one stone archway, dusty and dotted with spiderwebs.

In the room is an old ash tree – long dead.

It is festooned with what are obviously spiderwebs.

If you want, have an NPC or NPCS, or characters that missed a session be wrapped in spidersilk bundles here, A la Mirkwood.

The rest of the room is covered in a thick layer of soil and short grasses – amongst the grass are scattered rocks and old leaves and branches - And the skeletons of victims scattered, along with potentially some treasure, either just “I search the body” results, or something you have prepared.

There is a 50% chance of the spider being present, if it is – here are its' stats:

Lopp Spider 7’ diameter spider, clicks and thumps oddly

HD 3 HP 12 Speed 10’ leap, can climb at will, normal speed 100’ Armor 13 Morale 8 Attack Fling object or person held as Sling but rolled as if a sneak attack with 2 pips

Special: May cast Web 3x a combat as a free action– and in conjunction with a throw can make a thrown object grab you and pull you in like a lake trawler.

The room is roughly 15X30 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
