Room 173


173 -  Caprae bacas and Erecti folia Chamber

This chamber has no door, just two stone archways they are dry and cool.

Inside the room, off to the sides away from the sun-path, there are small bushes – one side of the chamber has green-blue leafy bushes – the other has bracken branch dead looking wood scrub, but it is growing copious quantities of yellow berries.

The leaves, if chewed, contain an enormous amount of caffeine – enough to where swallowing or chewing more than one or two leaves could be fatal.

The yellow berries are filled which caffeine and vitamin c and b12 – and similarly, more than a couple will cause death.

The room is roughly 15X25 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide, and is an usual shape, there is a chunk taken out of the upper right-hand side.

