Room 172


172 – Prismatic Chamber

The door to the west is made of yew, and the silverplated doorknob is locked.

The door to the east is made of yew, and the silver – plated doorknob is locked.

This room has a prism set in the floor, it is about as big as a cat – and any light cast upon it will fill the room with insane swirls and splashes of color.

This is because the prism contains a cleric’s soul – and the prism casts Prismatica-


A thousand colors shine forth from the clerics figure, swirling and morphing, confusing all around them. Children see things in the colors. The colors last for three rounds.

If a cleric stays near the prism long enough, or finds a way to communicate with the soul, they may learn Prismatica.

The room is roughly 15X25 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

