Room 169
169 – Undecorated Holy Circle Chamber
The door to the north is made of yew, and the silver – plated doorknob is unlocked, the door is ajar.
The door to the east is made of yew, and the silver – plated doorknob is unlocked, the door is ajar.
This room will appear to be empty, but on walking through – a curious phenomenon will take place.
There is a circular area of the floor that cannot be walked on except by lawful PCs, and if they walk there, they will be granted the effects of Bless.
This room use to be decorated, and a way to test criminals, outsiders, members – basically anyone.
The room’s decorations have been taken, as they were of finest quality.
The room is roughly 15X29 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
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