Room 167


167 – Censer Chamber

The door to the north is made of yew, and the silverplated doorknob is unlocked, the door is ajar.

The door to the south is made of yew, and the silver plated doorknob is locked – and the door closed.

This room has a huge censer, pumpkin sized, hanging from a hook in the ceiling – hit emits a grey cloud of smoke as it burns – rendering the room cloudy and hard to see in. Strangely, the smoke does not sting eyes or choke lungs – it only does this for the undead, also damaging them in the process, and is a powerful ward for the undead.

The paste it is burning will burn for an additional 16 hours – and this room should be tracked from the second the players enter the chapel area – so the smoke should stop at a point.

My rationale for this is that there should be an NPC to the north, they set this up to have protection from undead so they could study the wall murals in the chamber beyond.

Create an archaeological or art connoisseur or religious zealot NPC, they will be in there until the smoke dissipates.

The room is roughly 15X31 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

