Room 164


164 – Mummy Trap

The door to the west is made of yew, and the silver -plated doorknob is unlocked, the door is closed.

The door to the east is made of yew, and the silver -plated doorknob is unlocked – and the open.

In the middle of this room, There is a sarcophagus.

If the players touch it – play some scary music, and have a mummy come out of it.

Explosive Mummy

HD 3 HP 15 Speed 120’ Armor 12 Morale 12 Attack: attempt to grapple STR 17 Special: Soaked with and filled with explosives—So, if ignited, explodes immediately for 1d20X1d20 damage, radius of 10’ for each 10 damage. This noise will trigger a random encounter.

In the sarcophagus is 20 Gp.

My suggestion is to have them encounter a mummy the second they enter the chapel – and make it obvious/encourage the use of fire as a instakill.

Then when they encounter one of these, they will think twice.

The room is roughly 15X15 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

