Room 138


138 – The Nursery

There is a doorway to the north - the door is made of cherry-wood, painted light blue, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.

There is a doorway to the north - the door is made of cherry-wood, painted bright pink, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.

This room is filled with cots and cribs – dusty and unused.

There are tables and cabinets – long empty save a thin layer of dust.

Hanging from the ceiling are 5 mobiles – they are strategically positioned to cover the whole room.

They induce/radiate sleepiness as the spell Sleep cast as if by a level 6 Magic-User after 8PM to 7AM.

People walking in will be affected after a minute of being in the room – and anybody affected by the Sleep gets a single save versus magic to not just crawl into a cot and sleep.

The room is roughly 15X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

