Mirror Image


Mirror Image by the The Bennie Maupin Ensemble


 The VaM-style spell today is Mirror Image -  the title coming from this song by The Bennie Maupin Ensemble.


I absolutely love the album Penumbra it is full of great songs - and many would make great spells - example include Vapors, Penumbra, Level Three, Trope on a Rope, Tapping things, See the Positive, The 12th Day, Equal Justice, Blinkers -  all great spell ideas and beautiful songs.



Here is some definitions of mirror and image!


a reflective surface, now typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image.

a thing regarded as accurately representing something else.

(of a reflective surface) show a reflection of.
correspond to.

a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. 

a point or set formed by mapping from another point or set.
a person or thing that closely resembles another.

semblance or likeness.

(in biblical use) an idol.

a simile or metaphor.

form a mental picture or idea of.


Here are the lyrics!

 No Lyrics!


Ok, here is the spell's effects!

Mirror Image

Duration: Until attacked or not seen by someone.

Range: 0

Creates 1d4 images of the spellcaster that act completely insane and wild, running away from the caster and doing different things. Any attack on an image dispels it. If a 4 is rolled for the number of images, roll an additional 1d4, this continues till a 4 is not rolled. They are material, and can interact with the world.

What is the Image doing? Roll 1d20 for each image.

1: Run towards nearest non-caster person, attempt to attack them.

2: Run and hide.

3: Sing and weave drunkenly, stumbling and maybe even falling over.

4: Running a couple feet, then fall over as stiff as a board.

5: Act like they are casting a spell.

6: Attack the original caster or another image, 50% of either.

7: Run around in circles.

8: Attempt to steal something.

9: Begin screaming and trying to hide behind people.

10: Begin stripping nude and looking for water to swim in.

11: Grapple someone.

12: Shout commands to people.

13: Curl up in the fetal position.

14: Kneeling and praying.

15: Trying to marshal the group – trying to get party order and get somewhere.

16: Begins frantically doing something, like jostling a doorknob, pulling hair, hoisting rope...

17: Walk around calmly, talking aloud about what they see.

18: Go to a party member and try to valiantly defend or protect them at all times.

19: Add two more images, roll as normal.

20: Add two more images, roll as normal.

Miscast Table

1 – The caster loses 1 Hit Point for each image created – these can be re-absorbed by the caster touching the image.

2 – Each image gets two rolls on the What is the image doing? Table, and will attempt to do both at the same time- even if that is conflicting and insane.

3 – The images explode in a huge gout of blood when damaged, like they were a blood bubble – and anyone who bursts an image gets an additional action immediately.

4 – The spell is delayed, one image gets released from the caster at the start of each of their turns until the amount rolled is out.

5 – Roll once on the What is the image doing? Table, all the images are doing that.

6 – The images make an unnerving clicking popping sound, like cracked gum.

7 – The caster screams, and rips and tears – out of their corpse the images stride forth covered in their progenitors blood – they initially act as normally dictated by the spell – but they are clones – and will murderously seek to kill anyone that does not look like them.

8 – Instead of the images rolling on the What is the image doing? Table, roll on the Confusion table.

9 – The images are all different looking, none of them look like the original caster.

10 – The images will soon all hate the caster, and after two rounds of acting as normal – they will attempt to find and attack the caster.

11 – Each image gets 1d6 Hit points, and once these are expended they die – this is instead of being dispelled when attacked. Each time an image dies, the caster should roll a save vs magic – if they fail, they lose their next action, frozen in the mistaken belief that that was the real them that just died.

12 – In addition to the normal effect of the spell, Invisibility Improved is cast on the caster and all their images as if by a level 5 Magic-User.
