Transitions by Ween
The VaM-style spell today is Transitions- the title coming from this song by Ween.
Ween really is something very different, nothing is quite like Ween.
I highly recommend all their albums - you will find things in all their music - from the funny, to the unknowable, to the artistically challenging, to the crass, the beautiful, the abstract- They have it all.
Good tracks include - Bumblebee, The Grobe, Mutilated Lips, the Argus, Poop Ship Destroyer, The Fucked Jam, Old Man Thunder, Big Jilm, The Golden Eel, Marble Juicy Tulip Tree, Boing, Voodoo Lady, You Were the Fool, Ice Castles, Tried and True, The Fruit Man...
For god's sake - pretty well all their tracks could be spells!
Here is some definitions for Transition(s)!
the process by which a person permanently adopts the outward or physical characteristics of the gender with which they identify, as opposed to those associated with their birth sex. The process may or may not involve measures such as hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery.
a passage in a piece of writing that smoothly connects two topics or sections to each other.
a momentary modulation from one key to another.
a change of an atom, nucleus, electron, etc. from one quantum state to another, with emission or absorption of radiation.
undergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.
adopt permanently the outward or physical characteristics of the gender one identifies with, as opposed to those associated with one's birth sex.
Here are the lyrics!
Got aesthetic universal saturation in the grip of the morning sun.
The creosote that erodes all the odors that lie dormant when the day is done.
Hop the dingle on the ferry takes you back to the dimension that's just begun.
Riding the crest of the communion to a union, Harry Truman is the holy son.
And he says...
Duration: Permanent
Range: Caster
The caster transitions – they can go from sober to drunk, one sex to another, strong to weak, black to white, young to old – anything you can imagine, some shift in the person whether that is negative, positive, or just different.
If they want to somehow mechanically change themselves, I.E go from weak to strong by adding to their strength, this must come from another stat – One for one – but most visual or physical alterations are just as simple as casting this spell.
It happens in the blink of an eye.
Miscast Table
1 – It feels wrong! Change it back by casting Transitions immediately. Hope you have more spell slots….
2 – The referee chooses the transition instead of the caster.
3 – Reality rejects the transition – and manifests a form to counteract the change – A duplicate splits off the caster like an amoeba, save that it is per-transition – and wants to kill the transitioned caster. Stats as the caster, but does not have the chosen transition.
4 – The caster is struck with the many options they have available, and in a brief second of consideration they make a mistake – and for the rest of the current 24 hour period they must recast Transitions every hour. Ignore this result if rolled on a miscast during this period.
5 – The transition changes and bubbles out as something not normally compatible with reality – the referee chooses something outlandish and otherworldly, and that is the transition instead.
6 – The transition, whatever it is, is painful – the caster takes 3d8 damage, and if they go to 0 or negative they pass out, then heal them the amount of damage dealt – if they do not go to zero they will scream in pain, but heal the amount of damage after the pain subsides in 1d4 rounds.
7 – The caster’s mind wanders, and they consider their decisions for a fleeting moment – and just like that, they transition from Magic-user to another randomly determined class, they retain their current level.
8 – The caster’s mind wanders, and they consider their desires for a fleeting moment – and just like that, they transition into a reflection of their desires – Referee, this one is up to you, it could be a fight, a NPC, or something stranger, the choice is yours.
9 – The caster’s mind wanders, and they consider the time they have spent for a fleeting moment – and just like that, they transition their current level into silver, which pours in great rivulets, molten and hissing like a serpent from hell – as they vomit liquid silver equivalent to their level.
10 – The caster’s mind wanders, and they consider their loyalty for a fleeting moment – and just like that, they transition from whatever alignment they currently are to another – If they become neutral their hair becomes grey – if they have hair. If they become chaotic, they gain one extra combat action a day, which may be taken out of initiative order. If they become lawful, lightning strikes them, and they take 3d8 damage – for each damage they get a random cleric spell – if they survive.
11 – The caster’s mind wanders, and they consider the person they think they are for a fleeting moment – and just like that, they transition from their form to their ideal one – they get to make as many changes as they want, which happen instantaneously, rules as normal – stats are one for anther, but physical changes are nearly all allowed. (Ref, you make sure they are not overdoing this)
12 – The caster’s mind wanders, and they consider their life for a fleeting moment – and just like that, they transition from living to dead.
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