Room 121
121 – Storage Room
The door to the east is Cherry-wood, and is painted red, the doorknob is iron and unlocked but closed.
This room is filled with stuff, players may make a Search roll for a particular thing, success indicates they find it, failure means they must keep looking. Three fails for a particular object means it isn’t there.
There are only 150 searches allowed here, with each search taking 1d8 minutes/the amount looking for that particular item. Each searcher counts as one search. The objects are in containers, boxes and bags and crates and pouches and backpacks and vases and whatever else you can think of.
The passage down is also filled with stuff, in much the same fashion save the fact that only 100 searches are allowed.
The room is roughly 15X15 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
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