Room 120


120 – Statuary

There is a doorway to the upper west, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is unlocked and open.

There is a doorway to the middle west, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and open.

There is a doorway to the south, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.

The room has several statues, sitting on small plinths draped in various colors of velvet.

There is a statue of a moon-headed man – standing like an arrow – straight and proud (Green Velvet)

There is a statue of a sordid looking tiger, chomping on a pipe (Red Velvet)

There is a statue of a woman with flowing robes, looking confused (Blue Velvet)

There is a statue of a skeleton mid-dance (Black Velvet)

There is a statue of a king without legs (White Velvet)

There is a statue of a fairy sharpening knives on a millstone (Yellow Velvet)

There is a statue of a scarecrow – pumpkin for a head (Orange Velvet)

There is a statue of the goddess of autumn, resplendent in falling leaves (Purple Velvet)

Add some more statues of your own design – use your imagination.

The room is roughly 25X15 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

