Room 108


108 – Giant Animated Dice Cup

There is a doorway to the west, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.

There is a doorway to the east, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is unlocked and closed.

There is a doorway to the south, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is unlocked and open.

Anyone entering the room will find themselves in trouble – roll initiative as a large shape swoops from above.

Floating around the ceiling of this room is a large wooden cup, big enough to pick someone up – it will attempt to scoop up a PC or creature if present in the room, and will shake them violently and deposit them at a random door that leads out of the room.

Giant Animated Dice Cup

HD 5

HP 28

Speed 120’ flying

Armor 13

Morale 12

Attack Scoop a person and shake them around for 1d6 damage, then deposit them at one if the three doors, west doorway if they took 1-2 damage – east doorway if they took 3-4 damage – south doorway if they took 5-6 damage.

The room is roughly 10X10 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.


