Corazón by Titán
The VaM-style spell today is Corazón - the title coming from this song by Titán.
Here is some definitions of Corazón , and its most direct translation: Heart!
Spanish. the heart. courage; spirit. love; affection; compassion or sympathy.
a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles.
the heart regarded as the center of a person's thoughts and emotions, especially love, compassion, or loyalty.
one's mood or feeling.
courage or enthusiasm.
the central or innermost part of something.
the vital part or essence.
one of the four suits in a conventional deck of playing cards, denoted by a red heart.
a card game similar to whist, in which players attempt to avoid taking tricks containing a card of the suit of hearts.
like very much; love.
Here are the lyrics!
Corazón, mi
Corazón, mi corazón
Yo te quiero, mi corazón
te quiero, mi corazón
Corazón, mi
Corazón, mi corazón
Yo te quiero, mi corazón
te quiero, mi corazón
Corazón, mi
Corazón, mi corazón
Yo te quiero, mi corazón
te quiero, mi corazón
Corazón, mi
Corazón, mi corazón
Yo te quiero, mi corazón
te quiero, mi corazón
Corazón, mi
Corazón, mi corazón
Yo te quiero, mi corazón
te quiero, mi corazón
OR, In English
heart, my heart heart, my heart I love you, my heart I love you, my heart heart, my heart heart, my heart I love you, my heart I love you, my heart heart, my heart heart, my heart I love you, my heart I love you, my heart heart, my heart heart, my heart I love you, my heart I love you, my heart heart, my heart heart, my heart I love you, my heart I love you, my heart
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Line of Sight
This spell may be cast in response to one of the following:
an attack roll being made,
a spell targeting someone,
or a saving throw being called for.
Whoever would be hit by the attack roll,
be the target of the spell,
or would be rolling the saving throw does not:
Instead the caster takes the hit,
is the target of the spell,
or rolls to save.
If the attack misses – the caster and the original attack target both heal 1D6 hit points.
The caster gets a save versus magic for the spell that now targets them – even if it is not normally called for.
If the save succeeds – the caster gains a free action, which may be taken immediately.
Miscast Table
1 – The link is permanent, anytime that person is attacked, the attack is redirected to the Corazón caster OR Anytime that person has a new spell cast that targets them, redirect it to the Corazón caster OR Anytime that person has to make a saving throw, have the Corazón caster save instead.
2 – The caster of Corazón has shared their heart – now they have a permanent soft spot for whoever they cast it for – And will impulsively cast Corazón anytime that person is about to be attacked.
3 – The caster of Corazón has shared their spirit – now they have a permanent soft spot for whoever they cast it for – And will impulsively cast Corazón anytime that person is targeted by a spell.
4 – The caster of Corazón has shared their courage – now they have a permanent soft spot for whoever they cast it for – And will impulsively cast Corazón anytime that person has to make a saving throw.
5 – The caster of Corazón has shared their compassion – now they have a permanent soft spot for whoever they cast it for – And will impulsively cast Corazón anytime that person is about to be attacked, is targeted with a spell, or has to make a saving throw.
6 – The caster of Corazón has shared their vital essence – and the caster now feels the link is lifelong – if the person they shared their heart with dies – so do they – This death is permanent.
7 – After the spell passes – the caster of Corazón is heartbroken at the connection’s fleeting nature that they may never target that person with Corazón ever again.
8 – The caster of Corazón and their target are now emotionally psychic with one another – the emotions they feel are shared and known to each of them.
9 – The caster of Corazón and their target are now physically close with one another in a bodily sense – they can swap with each other physically at will, as an action. If either one dies, the other dies as well, and just as they both pass from life into death – their bodies will swap places one final time.
10 – The caster of Corazón and their target are now eerily on the same page – they often complete each other’s sentences, seem to know what the other is thinking, and other such commonalities – mechanically this manifests as the ability to send actual notes to one another, out of game, 3 times each per session.
11 – The caster of Corazón and their target weep and rejoice for one another – when one takes damage, the other also takes the same amount – when one heals, the other heals as well.
12 – The caster of Corazón and their target are affected as per Confusion, as if cast by a level 4 Magic – User, as the casting of Corazón was very disorienting.
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