Room 97



97- A Water Wail Waits

This room has no doors into or out of, just doorways.

The white lines are channels in the floor 3’ deep, with water flowing eastbound.

Water Wail

HD HP Speed Armor 0 Morale 12 Attack +3, the water wail will just try to push you into any body of water nearby – in reality it is trying to push you into itself – from there it will try to move you around, though not with any specific rationale or reason

it looks like the water split off and is just cruising around – it can move any distance and appears to distort space and time to do so

It cannot really be hurt – it is just water – all water

 Anytime it is hit, or moves to hit - make this sound - all you meed is a spoon, a pot of water, and the ability to hit the pot of water with a spoon. Move the pot around as you hit it, and practice this before the session so you can make cool sounds.

The room is roughly 15X25 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
