Room 78


78 - Commiphora myrrha Chamber

This chamber has no doors, just two stone archways, the stone is carved with stylized images of burning incense and bronzelamps, temples, and other holy symbols.

In the room is a Commiphora myrrha tree – it has been wounded in several places enough to form Myrrh, but no-one has collected – there are 1d8 dime-sized lumps of Myrrh that could be collected from the small tree.

The rest of the room is covered in a thin layer of sand and dry soil – amongst the dusts are several old planter pots – each empty save sand, there are 8 in total, one has a 300 GP ruby sunk into the sand underneath a strange looking sand formation, and three others have similar strange sand formations, these are scorpion nests.

Just have save vs poison on being stung by scorpions – have them die if the they fail, if you are merciful, do something terrible but recoverable form.

There are scorpions potentially about, but unless the layers cannot see them and walk too close, or sleep here – they likely will be avoided by the scorpion population.

The room is roughly 15X30 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

