Room 102
102- Mobile Vending Machine
There is a doorway to the north, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is unlocked but closed.
There is a doorway to the east, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.
There is a doorway to the south, the door is made of oak, with a brass doorknob – it is locked and closed.
Lurching around the small chamber is a walking box, lit up with a glass front and adorned with buttons, and has all kinds of things inside it. it crackles out “s a l e”. Its tiny arms accept currency and converts it to give credit. Their armor is almost impregnable, and very old, sometimes close to running out of anything to sell save luxuries. There are at least fifty still running, but ages ago many were extant.
Vending Bot
HD 10 HP 50 Speed 70’ Armor 18 Morale 12 Attack Tiny arms waggle harmlessly - tried to push into wall for 2D20 crushing damage, and 1D20 at start of each turn if still pinned
Special Immune to sleep, mind altering magic, and normal style mechanical immunities – Made of many metals
It has the following on wire racks – ready to vend:
A Bag of impossibly thin metal – it contains 15 tiny dried faeries – these act as a mild and pleasant hallucinogen if ingested.
A Bottle of blue ink.
A silk bag of caltrops with tiny holes – these whistle and pique creature's interest if thrown.
A large jar of white lotion – this is sunscreen.
A squishy looking pink tube tied with twine to a blue-enameled ceramic dildo.A pearl necklace – worth 500 SP.
Oh, also you should include whatever else you think would be fun – cool – tempting – or interesting to include!
They should be arranged as in the diagram below – And make sure to have objects in front of one another, have whole racks be empty, others with multiple of the same item – like 10 bottles of ink, but only two sunscreen maybe, some racks with a variety so the players have to buy one thing to get the thing behind it, you get the idea...
YOU make the prices – the bot will take almost anything even resembling currency, and will value it based on programming – so metal discs of almost any kind, and nearly any kind of uniformly cut paper are both the de-facto accepted form of currency, anything else is likely to be rejected.
The room is roughly 15X15 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
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