Cavern Book In Progress
These will be each one page of dense information - mostly to inform and suggest, not tell you what to do. Next to each page of information will be one of the 100 caverns I previously posted here.
That in total will make for about a 200 page book.
1 – Sideways and vertical existence
Steven Biesty style universe when in caverns, and some rules to handle that.
2 – Where do I shit?
Spelunkers have to take their shit with them in the real world, unless circumstances are dire.
3 – Shaving off weight
How to carry less things, or make what you carry less heavy.
4 – What do we eat?
How to transport food, food that is useful for caving. High calorie, low weight.
5 – Calculating one’s weight
How to calculate a PC's weight using existing stats.
6 – Calculating one’s height
How to calculate a PC's weight using existing stats.
7 – Hazardous Gases
What kinds of hazardous gases are in caves, mines, and other subterranean spaces.
8 – Sumps
How to handle panic inducing dips in caves, dips and passages filled with water.
9 – How do we see?
What kinds of lights are available.
10 – Pitches
How climbing down vertically works.
11 – Rappels
How to use rope to go down.
12 – What could be found that has value?
What is of value in caves? Ore - Formations - Cultures - Creatures - Magic - Artifacts - Info -ETC
13 – Rope
All about how rope is made, what it is made of, different types and styles, ETC.
14 – Squeezes
How to handle claustrophobic squeezes, really thin areas that must be crawled or squeezed through.
15 – Stone Types
Types of stone in caves, limestone and the very rare other types usually + what they mean.
16 – HOOKS
Hooks to get PC's in caves, so ways to make the caves a adventure location/destination.
17 – Cave-Ins
How to handle dangerous falling of stone or debris, that which blocks crushes and troubles PCs.
18 – Mines
Some information about how mines work, are constructed, navigated, and dangerous.
19 – Natural Formations
What kinds of stone mysteries lay under the earth?
20 – Fall Damage
Some ways to calculate fall damage - and how falling works in real life.
21 – Catacombs
Some info on underground burial structures. Loot, bodies, art, passages, ETC
22 – Climbing + How to do it
Real info on how climbing works, the orders of operation and though process.
23 – Equipment
Equipment for caving - and by extension climbing.
24 – Mud
Water + Soil is mud - and mud is a concern in caves.
25 – Humidity
In some caves, the humidity can be 100% - This is extremely dangerous, and I will tell you why.
26 – Bacteria
What kinds of bacteria dwell in caves?
27 – Cold + Ice
Caves can be cold + information on a different kind of cave, the kind formed out of ice.
28 – Heat + Lava
Caves can be hot + info on lava, magma, volcano tubes, ETC.
29 – Floods
When it rains, water goes down - and sometimes into caves - making the cave much more deadly.
30 – Gravel – Sand – Boulders – Chokes
These children of weathering make things harder, here is how they form and can be found.
31 – Inclines and Slides
All about angles and what to expect from slipping and sliding.
32 – Hypothermia
(Wet + Cold) maybe + Tired or Alcohol in system - these all can lead to hypothermia, what is it?
33 – Madness
The subtle insanity of panic, peril, dread, impatience, greed, exhaustion, and other badnesses.
34 – Starvation
How does no food feel, affect us, and what does this do to spelunkers and animals?
35 – Sideways Projectiles
Arrows and thrown rocks - how do they work in a vertical and sideways world?
36 – Creatures – how to change or use them
Some creatures and the conceptual processes to alter them to work in caves.
37 – Items
Some stuff that could be found, bought, or otherwise how to make new stuff.
38 – I Search the Body
Stuff found on bodies, d100 table(s)!
39 – Locations
Areas to add, places to be, things to see smell and live in.
40 – Radiation
How does radiation affect people?
41 – Cannibalism
How does cannibalism happen? Information and history of cannibals.
42 – Dislocating Limbs
How do dislocated limbs work? How do we fix them?
43 – Typical features and adaptations of troglobites and stygobites
What adaptations do underground creatures have?
44 – Echoes and sounds
How does sound travel in caves?
45 – Canaries, other animals used in mines
History of mine-birds - and why they were used.
46 – Caves used for religion
How were caves used in religion? What do they symbolize?
47 – Caves used for war
How were caves used in war? What history do we have to draw upon?
48 – Caves used for storage
How were caves used for storage? What examples of this are there?
49 – How Blood Circulates
How does blood circulate in the body? What affects this, what problems arise?
50 – How Breathing works with the human body
How does blood circulate in the body? What affects this, what problems arise?
51 – What is left by cavers
What is left behind by cavers? What evidence do they leave behind?
52 – Panic
Panic, what it means and how it arises - how to handle it/induce it.
53 – Smells
How smells work- what smells are in caves - and other smell data.
54 – Famous incidents
Famous cave disasters - brief synopsis and what to take from the incident.
55 – Famous caves
Famous caves - for many reasons, stories, and places.
56 – Rumors and legends
Things to plant in books, NPCs, hearsay, rumors, tips, and hooks.
57 – Dwarves - -
Ashtray Men/Burned Dwarves.
58 – Elves - -
Peace Elves - War Elves.
59 – Halflings - -
Doomsayers (Plant Preservers)
60 – Fighters - -
How fighting in caves works.
61 – Clerics - -
Can god hear you down there?
62 – Magic User - -
What magic does down there.
63 – Specialist - -
Congratulations - you are very useful!
64 – Cave as a “Dungeon”
How to adjust a cave to be a more Room to Room experience.
65 – Cave as an “Environment”
How to make a cave more like wilderness travel, a hexcrawl, sandbox, or continuous challenge.
66 – Best Practice
What kinds of practices and methods make caving more safe?
67 – Knots
Good knots and when to use them.
68 – MacGyverism
How to break, scavenge, reuse, recycle, and invent equipment.
69 – Leaders and Party Order
Why and how to use this convention - and if not used, what can go wrong.
70 – SRT (Single Rope Traversal)
How cavers actually link each other for safety.
71 – Gases for Diving
What gases are in a diving tank? (Dwarves sell them)
72 – How To Incorporate Tropes
What assumptions do people make about caves? How can you use this to make things simpler?
73 – Cave Paintings
How where when and why?
74 – How to keep track of time
Why to keep track, some methods to use - and how to make this a driving factor.
75 – First Aid
Common injuries - and what the common consensus is for immediate care.
76 – Children
How do children function in caves - what kinds of things can they do better?
77 – The Elderly
How do the elderly function in caves - what kinds of things can they do better?
78 – What speleologists look for
What formations, info, and otherwise?
79 – Hacking and Draining
Urban spelunking - in abandoned building and drains/pipes/sewers/tunnels.
80 – Cave diving
The ultimate challenge - the most dangerous sport. What lurks in the still waters?
81 – Carbide Lamps
How do these real things work?
82 – Where Do I Piss?
Spelunkers have to take their piss with them in the real world, unless circumstances are dire.
83 – Mapping Caves
Technology, methods and other info on this practive.
84 – Naming caves and cavern features
Weird naming conventions - Fairies Gambling hall, pierces drop, goblin weddel, erdstal ETC
85 – Physical
How does physical exhaustion affect the body? What causes this, what problems arise?
86 – So you need to be rescued – how does that work?
History of rescues - survival rates - reasons for disasters ETC
87 – Fungal Infection
It is a real concern - how does it happen, what are it's effects?
88 – Bats and rats
And snakes and bugs and fish, and shrimp, and larvae - along with guano and bones.
89 – Decompression and air composition due to depth
A severe risk when diving - and narcosis and the bends can kill - how to prevent and treat em'.
90 – Spells for caving
Specific Spells that are very useful and why.
91 – Creature Ecology
How does wildlife function - without outside interference?
92 – Magic items and caving
What kinds of magical things occur or are used for caving?
93 – Cave Cults
"Religions" that worship caves or use caves.
94 – Cave Songs and Poems
What beauty can be found in caves, what do they represent?
95 – Common creature tropes and how to subvert them
What people expect about X - how to use that to deceive and make things interesting.
96 – echolocation
How does it Work? What kinds of animals use it?
97 – ancient architecture
Information on ancient underground structures.
98 – Age of fossils and stone
How do we know the ages of things? What does this mean practically?
99 – Ancient Alien Bases
Aliens deep underground.
100 – Wizard bunkers
Wizards towers, dungeons, complexes, and other structures underground.
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