Room 64


64 – Strange Plants

This chamber has no doors, just three stone archways, covered in orange and grey lichens.

This room is grey and tan – dried and dead.

It is filled with reeds and vines and trellised plants – blooms and small saplings.

It had many plants, like a thicket untended.

The plants are – upon inspection – unlike any plants ever seen in the world of natural sunlight, and defy all taxonomy – they appear to be dead but stand and wait.

If the sun passes through this room, for 20d6 minutes the plants will all spring to life, green and verdant as a grove in rain – and a grey green humid day will commence – as the plants off-gas, bloom, fruit, and pollinate within the short period following the sun.

One bush has life berries (each berry heals 1Hp when eaten, there are 3d20 berries when it grows in the sun)

In the tan and grey grass in this room, are four I search the body table Results, each one takes 1d8X3 minutes to find, or three sun moves.

The room is roughly 30X30 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

