Room 35


35 – Kitchen

The door to the east is saloon-style, it swings right open, the door to the south is also this saloon-style door. The door to the north is closed and locked- bronze doorknob and door of oak.

There is a large series of clay ovens alongside the west wall, burnt out and cold – There is a large table towards the north of the room, with many cuts and burns, obviously used for preparing food.

This room feels like it once contained more things, but they have been taken – the room feels strangely empty.

There is abstract decorations on the walls, but they are faded and old – though strange.

If the players examine them long enough, they might be able to realize that it is a dining order – a sequence of tables and who goes where.

The room is roughly 25X25 feet, with each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
