Room 22


22- Mouth Plinth

The door to the south of this chamber is locked, to the north, the door is ajar, and to the east the door is closed, but not locked. All three doors are made of ash, with bronze doorknobs.

The room is largely empty, but in the center of the room, atop a small white marble plinth, is a mouth – a human mouth – about six times the normal size.

It will converse, it wants food.

If given food, it will thank those who feed it, it is not picky.

If asked questions about what it has seen, it will refer to its sister - if asked what it has heard it will refer to its brother – if asked what it has smelt, it will refer to its mother – if asked what it has felt, it will refer to its father. (Room Numbers To Come)

If you don’t give it food, it will yell – triggering a random encounter roll.

The room echoes quite a lot, it is very empty and large.

It is only killed if the marble itself is destroyed, and with heat or total erosion.

If anyone searches, there is a gap in the stone walls somewhere, and someone has stashed a couple small pieces of blue chalk – this chalk, when used to create lines, cannot be crossed by anything that walks on two feet. There are 1d4 pieces of chalk, each can be used for about a thirty foot line.

The room is roughly 30X20 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

