Room 3
3- Haunted Bathroom
This rank room is, luckily, closed behind two doors, the door to the west, which leads to the kitchen, and a door to the south. Both are made of simple oak, and are unlocked- their brass doorknobs have keyholes.
The room itself is tiled in white and blue ceramic tiles- very close inspection will reveal that the blue forms hazelnut branches, hazelnuts, perched and flying birds, and small suns.
There is a dark hole in the floor, about three feet in circumference to the far east of the room, towards the center along the wall.
The toilet that used to sit above it was smashed, and its porcelain shards lay 50’ down in an ancient mound of muck – a pit latrine. If someone was truly insane, they would go down the hole, and in doing so might find a small and well sealed door behind a mound of filth to the western side of the rectangular chamber, a door that leads into the maintenance tunnels*.
There is an old silver mirror on the north wall, closer to the west than the middle - behind which is concealed a medicine cabinet, which contains a small jar of dried berries (each berry heals 1 Hp when eaten, there are 1d8 berries), a small vial of mercury, a little glass jar of peppermint humbugs (1d12), a half-empty flask of gin, a mortar and pestle, several long-forgotten herbs that have lost all potency, a small tin of white salve (works as sunscreen), several longish cotton tubes with a small hank of string attached, a moon cup, a small vase containing dried peonies and dried carrots, and lastly a blue powder in a small bowl (Dried Forget-Me-Nots in powder form).
There is a grimy sink, with a corroded faucet and taps- and a clogged drain directly below the mirror. The pipes connected to it go into the wall. (water cannot be hot, due to maintenance issues discussed later)
There is a cabinet facing the mirror and sink, which contains old blue towels, three of them.
Nearby the cabinet, closer to the east, is a claw-foot bathtub in cast iron - enameled in blue and white. The claws are made of bronze, decorated to look like chicken feet. The drain empties in a floor-grate embedded in the floor, and has a small plug.
Architecture will reveal that the room slopes towards the floor-grate beneath the bathtub.
The whole room smells bad and is covered in a thin layer of dust, no tracks.
The finally, and maybe most important detail of this room, is the Whiff Ghosts.
Stats are as follows – floating around the room is 1d4 Whiff Ghosts already present.
Whiff-Ghost HD 1 HP 6 Speed 50’ Flying Armor 13 Morale 12 Attack +2 to hit. Hit nauseates target. (Poison check at start of each turn until they save successfully, failure indicates a -1 to rolls until their stomach is settled, and is cumulative.)
Every time one of the doors (West, South, Towel Cabinet, Medicine Cabinet, and Maintenance Tunnel) is opened, the air pressure changes in the room and a Whiff-Ghost floats out of the latrine, slowly menacing around and nauseating anyone that gets a whiff.
To remove the problem, someone would have to remove the small iron censer that is nestled to the eastern side of the pit latrine, at the bottom. It amplifies smells of anything inside and turns them into ghosts with some vague property of the smell, and was used to give medicinal smells to children and entertain them at the same time. Use the above stats, but most smells are not unpleasant or dangerous once dispersed on you.
The room is roughly 18X12 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.
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