Room 15


15- Sewing Room and False Tapestry

This large room’s entrance door is locked, and made of banded oak, with a brass doorknob.

If inspected and mapped, this room is obviously bigger than it should be, it is magically enlarged. If dispel magic is cast in the chamber, it would shrink and crush anyone inside – if a magic user uses detect magic, and sees the room itself is magical, they might be able to glean this from asking the right followup questions.

Dominating the large chamber is a large wooden frame, with some metal parts and many strings – A loom. Hanging from the loom, partially woven, is a tapestry.

It looks like a map, a great grid of many colors.

The loom itself is very valuable, well in excess of 400 gold, and given the additional fact that it is magical, it could fetch much more.

Whenever music is played in the presence of the loom, it weaves on its own. Sitting next to the loom is a pile of sheet music in blue ink, complex and multilayered, very difficult to play. There is also a space that is noticeably empty, a space that might have been taken up by a pair of stools and seated folk. The music is written for a violin and flute, though no instruments are present.

Playing the music that is here, correctly, will continue to weave the tapestry to completion – other music will begin weaving something else. If someone is very very good at composing or playing music, they might even be able to compose or play music to create a tapestry in a specific likeness.

The tapestry, if completed, is simply not a map of the megadungeon, but they might think it is, which is my intention.


In the north eastern corner of the room is also a large unfolding cabinet and table, filled with thread of many colors, pins and needles in pincushions shaped like tomatoes, scraps of fabric, and all the other little things, like threadsnips and thimbles.

The room is roughly 30X30 feet, with 10X5 of the room being filled with the loom, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

