Room 14


14- Eileen’s Garden

This strange space has light, coming from a small bowl bloating in midair, suspended strangely over a series of overgrown planters. It is natural sunlight, emitting from a blindingly bright sphere.

Peppers grow, all strangely tilted towards the light, twisted and overgrown, untended and wild.

There are husks of dried pepper and dead vines, and the planter's wood is warped and cracked from the sun and strain.

There are pipes that irrigate the plants inside the planter’s soil, but since the pepper plants have become rootbound, the water is being choked, and the whole area’s growth is suffering.

All the planters are in horizontal rows to the east side of the room, with paths between them.

The third row has a small divot in part of the soil, A Search roll of the room will reveal it – it is a rusted iron key that opens the door to the south.

Mice scurry when the players enter, carrying bits of pepper away with them.


The room to the north is oak, and is open – the door to the south iron banded oak, and locked, with a keyhole.

The room is roughly 15X26 feet, each hallways/passage in and out is around 5 feet wide.

