Spell #106 Frog




Magic User level 5

 Duration- Varies

Range- Caster


Frog- Caster gains their choice of Long Tongue, Amphibious, Leap, Croak, or Torpor. Long Tongue lasts for five fifteen-foot licks. Amphibious lasts twenty rounds. Leap does a single thirty-foot leap every turn as a free action, and must be taken or the spell ends. Croak deafens all within hearing radius for two rounds and knocks down flying things in a sixty-foot spherical radius around the caster- and may be done as a free action. Torpor puts the caster in stasis until exposed to at least six gallons of water.


So what is this spell good for? Going in and out of water, not using rations or any resources for the party-like bombur, leaping until you don't want to, licking at things, and deafening and knocking things outta air.

