Spell #105 Fiasco Flagon
Magic User Level 5 Duration- Until fire is out Range- Line of sight and throwing range and sight of fire Fiasco Flagon- Caster throws a Molotov-style missile that applies the Dread, Peril, or Panic property (randomly chosen) to anyone within line of sight of the projectile breaking for until the fire goes out. Projectile spills a patch of fire that lasts until put out, and catches inflammable things alight. Panic- "Panic- Initiative is completely random each round- with no modifiers, and any failed rolls become some horrible mistake- as decided by the ref." Peril- " Peril- All rolls become 50/50 to succeed/fail". Dread- "Any failure prompts a HIDEOUS thing to occur, as decided by the referee." So what is this spell good for? Utter chaos.