Spell #2 Allure




Magic User level 1

Duration: Until lured creatures next action.

Range: line of sight

Allure- Lure all creatures in line of sight around the caster for their next action. This next action taken will be to move, if possible, towards the caster of this spell.




So what is this spell good for? It is kinda like sleep in that it halts creatures from attacking, and if used in conjunction with another magic user, and excellent combination might be to cast Allure then following another caster to cast sleep. If the casters left, the creatures would be locked into sleeping then waking and not being able to do anything unless they can see the caster of allure. So I guess some alteration or adjudication might be prudent for the gm that allows this spell, as it is somewhat vague and potentially could lead to some curious cases. 

Good for casting when you are on the opposite side of a chasm, or right next to a rigged trap, or a distance where archers and now hit the allured creatures. Depending on how you define creatures this spell goes up or down in power, and perhaps some saves vs magic or HD checks would also be pertinent.
